This new project is being introduced in this month.
It aims to assist elderly residents in the community that have no support in place or just have a community alarm.
The residents may be socially isolated and might be interested in joining some of the activities at sheltered complexes near to where they live. There may be a small charge to pay for activities depending what it is but that's only where the sheltered tenants would have a charge too.
There is however no cost for the support service.
It is a partnership between the following Housing Associations - Caledonia, Home Scotland, Abertay and Sanctuary. They have received Integrated Care Funding for about 18 hours a week each for four support workers for their respective areas.
The West End is the area where Home Scotland is taking the lead (Sanctuary will cover the Lochee/Downfield area, Abertay will cover Fintry to Dura Street and Caledonia the Broughty Ferry area) - hopefully this way all areas of the city will have coverage.
It is an excellent initiative and I am very pleased it is being launched as it has the potential to help many elderly folk in Dundee - please see poster for further details :