Sunday, 22 June 2014

Cycling - Riverside Drive

At the end of this year's Bike Week, it is perhaps appropriate to highlight a cycling-related issue.    Residents have asked if, as a result of the proposals relative to the road, north footpath and environment of Riverside Drive, a designated cycle path will be created.

I raised this with the City Engineer, who has advised:

"I can confirm that there is not to be a designated cycle path created as the existing path adjacent to the sea wall is a designated part of the National Cycle Route and is of appropriate width for shared use. As such, cyclists will not be prohibited from using this cycle path but cyclists may use the road if they so wish.

Transportation Division also made the following useful comments:

1. Volume of bicycle traffic is just not high enough for segregation.

2. The average width of the Riverside Drive pathway is 2.5 to 4.0m with a few short sections less than 2.5m in width. No know problems have occurred or been reported. When you combine this width with the volume of pedestrian/cycle traffic then is there is adequate space for give and take pedestrian/cycle movements.

3. If a white line were to be incorporated to form segregation then how is this enforced? Police resources are already stretched and this would fall into very low priority for them.

4. The current widths on parts of the cycleway would not permit segregation as design width could not be achieved for the appropriate lanes. 

5. Links throughout the city joining onto this route have no segregation facilities in place. No such pedestrian/conflict has occurred there.

6. There has to be some level of respect for both users of the path. It is the responsibility of the individual to cycle with respect and due care for other road users/pedestrians in accordance with guidelines in the “Highway Code”. The Tay Road Bridge walkway for example is 2.5m wide and constrained with a 1.5m high barrier. It is promoted as a shared use, is part of the NCN and no segregation line is used. This has work fine for many years and pedestrian/cycle traffic is high on this route compared to Riverside Drive. 

7. Our accident records show no reported collisions between pedestrian/cyclists on this section of cycle route or any other part of the route itself."