Friday, 16 March 2007

Tuesday to Friday

Tuesday night's West End Community Council meeting had a useful update on paths and cycle routes by a member of Leisure & Communities staff. There was an update on the proposed Western Cemetery Association and I updated the Community Council on how the embryonic Friends of Magdalen Green group is progressing. There was a discussion about helicopter noise complaints about the airport and I advised that I have had a response from the airport manager on this issue.
Taking of the embryonic Friends of Magdalen Green group, we met again on Wednesday morning - a really positive and constructive meeting. We are working towards the launch at a public meeting at the Friendship Hall in Dundee West Church on Wednesday 16th May at 6.45pm - a note for all local diaries! The draft publicity looks really good.
Am pleased that the lighting problem at the back of Windsor Street (between there and Minto Place) was resolved earlier in the week. The street lighting section advised me as follows:

"The fault related to a problem with the underground cable in Richmond Terrace feeding some of the lights in Minto Place. These types of faults are difficult to locating and hence get operational again. We did however manage to repair these lights within the national target of 7 days."
Met a number of constituents on various issues this week including Friday and Saturday night disturbances in one area and tenemental issues in another.