Saturday, 10 March 2007

Latest West End & City Centre news

An extremely busy week dealing with issues right across the West End and City Centre areas.
On Tuesday, we had a site visit to Magdalen Green with residents, representatives from the embryonic "Friends of Magdalen Green" group, the Police and Leisure & Communities staff to look at the parking problems.
Additionally, good news - the Planning & Transportation Department has agreed to my request for a further speed/traffic safety survey in Magdalen Yard Road, following up on that last one carried out in 2004.
I also asked that the bus shelter on Perth Road at the Invercarse get side panels as the current shelter (at an exposed site) affords little protection from the elements. Here's the positive response back from Planning & Transportation ...
"We adhered to ensuring a remaining footway width of 1500mm at all sites, however we have been given clearance to reduce this to 1000mm at certain locations and intend to revisit all shelters with no side panels (which also means no seats!) and consider installing small 600mm returns. The shelter maintenance contractor has been asked to provide quotations and we will take it from there ...I will ask ... to ensure that this location is considered early days."
And with regard to the need for real time bus information in the Commercial Street shelters that I had requested, the department continues ...
"Also as a brief update, Adshel (Clearchannel) have now been approved by P&T committee as advertising shelter partners and I have asked them to consider the Commercial Street shelters for inclusion of Real Time Information and poster panels."
Lastly, a very useful meeting with Stagecoach Strathtay and Planning & Transportation on Thursday about the No 72 bus service (along with Cllr Nigel Don, part of whose ward - Gowrie Park - is served by the service as well as my own West End area). It is hoped to review the service later in the Spring - I am very keen to see it serve Richmond Terrace/Court and that the mid-afternoon 'gap' in the service issue is resolved.