Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Latest update ....

A few days since I have been able to pause for breath and update the blog - so here goes!

Firstly, many of you will have read in the local press on Saturday and heard me on local radio yesterday about the deep concern of a number of tenants regarding a local landlord who has served eviction notices on them, despite their being long-standing and good tenants. I am of the view that the tenants have been treated very badly and the comments by the landlord in Saturday's Courier accusing me of "electioneering" for having the cheek to speak out on behalf of constituents, were highly inappropriate.
I am pleased to advise that I have spoken with the landlord's solicitor today who has apologised on his client's behalf for the comments in the press. He has proposed a meeting with myself and tenant representatives and I will be speaking with the tenants about this and hope that we will soon have a proper solution to this that allows the tenants to remain in their homes.
On another local matter, pleased to get the following information from the Council's street lighting department about the faulty lighting in the car park near the Muirlands sheltered housing (there has been an issue as to responsibility here - i.e. is it privately maintained by the Housing Association or part of the adopted street lighting?) :-

"I have made contact with Servite Housing and have arrange a meeting on site ... to try and resolve this situation. In the short term I have repaired the lights."

Residents are naturally delighted the lighting is back on.

Janet & I were delighted to attend Wave 102's Local Hero Awards last Friday night (see photo!) I had the real pleasure of presenting the "Contribution to Charity" award to Pat Stevenson, who has done so much for Advocating Together (Dundee) - a superb local organisation helping people with learning disabilities - and based in my ward in Ryehill Lane.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable night - and a great credit to Wave 102 - let's hope the Local Hero Awards will be an annual feature in the Dundee calendar.