Further to previous blog, concerns over past 24 hours about the traffic management here - in particular operation of "stop/go" boards in relation to the traffic lights during the gas replacement works & associated disruption. Just had this feedback from the City Council :
"There was a problem which was sorted by mid morning. The traffic control system is not too bad but complicated for me to explain by email. Basically our UTC (CCTV staff) are helping SGN/Turriff (the gas people & their contractors) to get the timing of the lights right at Sinderins to work with the stop/go and leave Shepherds Loan open as long as possible and at the same time give appropriate green time for every phase of the lights.
"This short section should finish by tomorrow. Then they will move to the west of the junction and need to come back to the east side when our UTC have fitted extra controls on the lights. It is worth mentioning to your constituents that the stop/go traffic control system is the best option to allow two way traffic operating on Perth Road as we could have closed the Perth Road to one way traffic at this location."