Friday 16 August 2024

Getting things done - Shepherd's Loan #dundeewestend

We recently received concerns about the safe crossing of Shepherd's Loan at its north end at the junction with Perth Road.

As one resident put it :

"The top of Shepherd's Loan is problematic.     Pedestrians can step into the road just as the light for traffic turns green, as there is no pedestrian light or control at all and pedestrians can't see the Shepherd's Loan light so there is no way to know the light is changing.     I've seen people step into the street just as cars are pulling off."

We raised the issue with the road safety team leader at the City Council who advised as follows :

"Urban Traffic Control (UTC) staff  have attended site inspect the situation and do recognise that there is an issue which is not ideal and the current situation is a compromise position for both pedestrians and vehicular access.  

This is very much a historic problem and the Shepherd’s loan approach is not ideal for pedestrians.  Removing or closing this approach would be beneficial for pedestrians however we are very aware that this would likely be unacceptable for local residents as egress would be prevented onto Perth Road.  

The footways on Shepherds loan are very narrow which makes it extremely challenging on locating traffic signal poles to install pedestrian signal indicators and there is also likely issues with underground public utilities.   Any pole would likely block the footway and pedestrians would have to walk on the road which is not ideal.  

On a positive note, Shepherds Loan is not heavily trafficked and speeds are low.  There has also been zero injury accidents at this location in the last 5 years and again this is positive.  

Anyway, having visited the location and discussed this within UTC given the situation we intend to have a very detailed appraisal of the overall junction and consider options on how to improve the pedestrian’s facilities on this approach when UTC come to refurbish the Sinderins junction.  This is planned to be in approximately 3 – 4 years as the signal equipment will need to replaced and hopefully we will have the funding to do something more substantial to improve the situation. In the meantime we will continue to monitor the junction for both pedestrians and general traffic."