Monday, 28 February 2022

Dundee City Council slammed over parking complacency #dundeewestend

have today slammed Dundee City Council for  a complacent and wholly unacceptable response to the recent residents’ parking consultation in the West End, Coldside and Maryfield.   

A report coming to the council's City Development Committee on 7th March recommends no further consultation and no actions whatsoever to improve parking in the areas concerns which I feel is really utterly pathetic.

The council has decided to wash its hands on helping residents with the parking situation and on the back of a wholly inadequate online consultation process. Written responses from the public amounting to the grand total of only 50, 40 of which came from the West End – just 5 responses in each of the other two wards. Only 30 people took part in the council’s online consultation events. No surprise really as they were badly advertised and the engagement can be best described as a bit flat.

There are thousands of residents in the affected areas but the council gets paltry numbers taking part – it is entirely the council’s fault. The council has totally failed to consult properly and you cannot in all reasonableness draw conclusions about lack of support for tackling the parking issues on the back of such an utterly inadequate and half-baked consultation.

I will be opposing the recommendation to ditch the process and will be proposing further consultation with the community to get a better community consensus on ways to improve parking and assist residents to get parked far more easily nearer their homes, adding that commuter parking must be tackled for the benefit of the residents who live in the affected parts of the West End.

It is unacceptable that parking charges in local car parks were still being levied on residents with no permit scheme for residents living in the area.  I will make proposals to the City Development Committee to address this.

The council administration has shown no commitment or put in any energy to resolving the parking problems. The council cannot simply ditch the concerns of the community over the parking issue based on a half-baked so called ‘consultation’ with such pathetic levels of participation.

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Perth Road between Glamis Road and Seymour Street - rolling 2 way temporary traffic lights for one week for City Fibre works.

Perth Road (at Millbay Gardens) – off‑peak temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 22 February for 3 weeks for footway works.

Riverside Drive (near Wright Avenue) – off-peak temporary traffic lights for one week for Energy Assets gas service connection.

West Grove Avenue - road closure between Perth Road and Blackness Road for 6 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Shaftesbury Road - road closure between Perth Road and Seymour Street for 8 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Westport roundabout – lane closures from Friday 4 March for 10 days for BT work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Wright Avenue – closed from 7.30pm on Friday 11 March to 7.30am on Saturday 12 March for Scottish Water ironwork repair.

Strawberrybank (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 14 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Osborne Place (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 21 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Magdalen Yard Road - 2 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 21 March for 3 days for City Fibre works.

Shepherd’s Loan (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 28 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Perth Road (at Glamis Road) – temporary traffic lights on Monday 21 March for telecommunications mast maintenance.

Glenagnes Road – closed from Monday 4 April for 5 days for carriageway patching works. Access will be maintained for residents.

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Let's Go Round Again

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Our new exhibition is open in the Lamb Gallery :

Let’s Go Round Again

Runs until 22 April 2022, Monday to Friday 9.30am-7pm

Lamb Gallery, Tower Building, University of Dundee

This exhibition features a selection of work by artists and designers who studied at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art in Dundee in 1968-72.

Since graduating they have followed many different paths, in art education and administration, social work, graphic design and photography among others.

Now they have reunited to show new work alongside some of their original student pieces. The show features a diverse range of paintings, textiles, jewellery, photographs, prints and ceramics.

Friday, 25 February 2022

Getting things done - Fyffe Street #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who contacted me recently about just how badly worn the road surface is, especially near to the Benvie Road junction.

I have asked the City Council to undertake repairs here - ideally it needs fully resurfaced.

Thursday, 24 February 2022

Getting things done - Perth Road #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who recently highlighted to me that one of the two bollards on Perth Road near the bottom of Ryehill Lane (just west of Dil Se restaurant) was missing.

I reported this to the Roads Maintenance Partnership and also asked them to repair the grating adjacent to the bollards as it was knocked off and needed reinstated.

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

Event at the Botanic Garden for the under 5s #dundeewestend

Next Saturday - 26th February at the Botanic Garden (11.45am to 12.15pm) :

Teeny Weeney

A joyful and heartfelt show for under 5s and their families.

Big Bug has one job and one job only - gathering leaves. He gathers leaves all day, every day.

That's until Wee Bug comes along. They start exploring Big Bug's terrain and all the fascinating objects hidden there. Uh oh - Big Bug doesn't like change! Can he break out of his old routine and learn to make a new friend?

Meanwhile, Wee Bug dreams of flying. They long to soar, float and sail across the breeze. Will Big Bug help Wee Bug find their wings?

Join them in their Teeny Weeny world as they transform and learn that change is good and friends don't always have to be the same.

Commissioned by Starcatchers.

Teeny Weeny is an outdoor show and you can read more at :

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Getting things done - grass area at Oxford Street/Elliot Road/Cambridge Street/Eton Street #dundeewestend

Residents highlighted to me at the weekend that, following Storm Arwen before Christmas, two felled and cut up Cypress trees are sitting at the grass playing field area at Oxford Street/Elliot Road/Cambridge Street/Eton Street, awaiting uplift.

I raised this with the council's Senior Forestry and Arboricultural Officer who has helpfully responded as follows :

"I can confirm that the two Cypress trees extracted to the playing fields from Glamis Road Storm Blockage will be removed this week."

Monday, 21 February 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Perth Road between Glamis Road and Seymour Street - rolling 2 way temporary traffic lights for one week for City Fibre works.

Perth Road (at Millbay Gardens) – off‑peak temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 22 February for 3 weeks for footway works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Riverside Drive (near Wright Avenue) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 28 February for 2 days for Energy Assets gas service connection.

West Grove Avenue - road closure between Perth Road and Blackness Road for 6 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Shaftesbury Road - road closure between Perth Road and Seymour Street for 8 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Wright Avenue – closed from 7.30pm on Friday 11 March to 7.30am on Saturday 12 March for Scottish Water ironwork repair.

Strawberrybank (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 14 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Osborne Place (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 21 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Magdalen Yard Road - 2 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 21 March for 3 days for City Fibre works.

Shepherd’s Loan (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 28 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Five for Fiveways!

As Vice Chair of Dundee Age Concern's Board, I am delighted to see this latest great initiative to support the Fiveways Centre, a superb service for many of the city's older people :

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Getting things done - Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

A number of residents have mentioned to me that it would be good to have a public access path right along the river front on Riverside Drive from Discovery Point to the Invergowrie boundary.

Currently, the Green Circular walking/cycling route has to veer north, away from the river, immediately west of the Bridgeview Station Restaurant as the path along the front comes to an end just west of there (see photo).   This is because of the airport site to the west where there is no path access through at the south end of the airport next to the river.

I contacted the airport manager who advises :

'The airport has never considered including a path as that area is out with the airport boundary and I believe it sits with the council.

In principle we would consider this provided that there is a security plan included within that.

I think the bigger concern would be the safety when in this area and it would need some hefty protective measures.

I know the council engineers who were dealing with the flood protection works were looking at the area to the west and north of the airport.'

I thereafter contacted the council's Outdoor Access Officer with this feedback and he responded as follows :

"I have exchanged emails with City Development colleagues. Dundee City Council Engineers have carried out some initial investigation of where a path could go and what would be required to be engineered. 

Flood defence work may be required here in the future and it is hoped that this will give an opportunity for funding and provide an area for any path to be constructed.    No further design or investigation work is underway at the moment."

I have asked the council to engage with the airport on this as I would hope that a properly secured access could be built in to future flood defence works to improve the public access along this stretch of the riverline along Riverside Drive.

Friday, 18 February 2022

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Ryehill Health Centre - an update #dundeewestend

I have written to Lorna Birse-Stewart, Chair of Tayside Health Board, and Grant Archibald, Chief Executive of NHS Tayside seeking clarification of the Health Board’s commitment to the 5 400 Dundee patients affected by the proposed closure of the Ryehill Health Centre and saying it should do all it can to keep the practice open.

NHS Tayside needs to be much clearer as to how it will support the patients at Ryehill and he has asked for assurances that the Health Board has discussed all the options and will consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients disbursed to other GP practices.

The Health Board and the Health and Social Care Partnership have to be clear as to how it is tackling the Ryehill medical practice’s decision to relinquish its contract with the Health Board and supporting the thousands of patients involved to have access to GP services locally.    

I cannot accept that, after so many years of service to the community, the approach of the Health Board is to simply accept it closes.    It must look at the option of running the practice itself to keep it open.   NHS Tayside already directly runs four GP practices across Tayside including the Maryfield Health Centre.   If it can be done there, it can be done at Ryehill Health Centre and I am seeking assurances that this will be actively considered by the Health Board.

Although I was sent a briefing about the Ryehill situation earlier this week, there has been a lack of clarity on exactly how patients will be supported to have GP access in the future.

It strikes me as infinitely preferable that the health board keeps the practice open under NHS Tayside management than closes it which would mean thousands of people having to be found a new GP.      

Adding 5400 people across the other GP practices in Dundee will simply add to the pressure on these practices and the quality of service and I don’t see that as in any way the best outcome.

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Getting things done - walkway near Clovis Duveau Drive #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who recently contacted me about the extent of graffiti in the pedestrian tunnel from near Clovis Duveau Drive towards Invergowrie.

I contacted both environment management at the council to get it cleaned up and am grateful for the prompt response promising action which has now been carried out.

I am also grateful to the community safety wardens who, at my request, are including the area into their patrolling schedule.

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Getting things done - Rockfield Crescent #dundeewestend

I recently received residents' complaints about some potholes on the road surface of Rockfield Crescent.

I raised this with the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and have had the following helpful feedback :

"An order has been raised for the repair of two potholes." 

Monday, 14 February 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Perth Road between Glamis Road and Seymour Street - rolling 2 way temporary traffic lights for 2 weeks for City Fibre works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Perth Road (at Millbay Gardens) – off‑peak temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 22 February for 3 weeks for footway works.

Riverside Drive (near Wright Avenue) – overnight (6.00pm to 6.30am) and off-peak temporary traffic lights from Monday 28 February for 2 weeks for Energy Assets gas service connection.

West Grove Avenue - road closure between Perth Road and Blackness Road for 6 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Shaftesbury Road - road closure between Perth Road and Seymour Street for 8 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Strawberrybank (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 14 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Osborne Place (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 21 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Magdalen Yard Road - 2 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 21 March for 3 days for City Fibre works.

Shepherd’s Loan (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 28 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Saturday, 12 February 2022

Miller’s Wynd car park lighting improvements #dundeewestend

Last year, at the request of residents, I raised with the City Council the inadequate lighting in the Miller's Wynd car park.

At the time I received the following helpful reply from the council's Team Leader for parking and sustainable transport :

"My colleague from the Street Lighting Partnership went out to the Miller's Wynd car park last week to assess the situation. 

He reported that while there is power to the lighting column that holds the floodlights, it is difficult to access because of the trees and therefore almost impossible to replace the lanterns safely.

He has recommended an alternative lighting solution (new column, new floodlights, new location) which he thinks would be more effective in bringing the car park lighting up to the expected standard and allow for future maintenance."

I am pleased to say that this work has now been completed and means the car park is now far better lit.

Friday, 11 February 2022

Getting things done - City Road #dundeewestend

Many thanks to the residents who reported the fallen tree in City Road to me earlier this week.

I reported this to the forestry team at the City Council to ensure it is removed.

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Getting things done - Seabraes #dundeewestend

Many thanks to all the residents who contacted me about the tree damage at Seabraes following the recent Storm Malik.

One tree has sadly been uprooted and another is leaning badly.

I took this up with the City Council's Head of Environment and have been promised that the department has added Seabraes to the sites where action is required following - initially - Storm Arwen and subsequent high winds.

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Proposed Lochee Road/Cleghorn Street road safety improvements - an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that some months ago, I gave an update on proposed road safety improvements at the junction of Cleghorn Street and Lochee Road.

Following a number of minor accidents at the junction and my request to the then Director of City Development some time ago to improve safety and tailbacks at the junction, it was agreed to include the junction for a safety audit and implement any resulting improvements recommended.

The council is now are proposing to install a section of central island on Lochee Road adjacent to Cleghorn Street, thus preventing any right hand turning movements into Cleghorn Street heading inbound to city centre. 

Also there will be no right-hand movements out of Cleghorn Street onto Lochee Road inbound to city centre.

I have now been advised that the works should be undertaken in the first half of March and full details will appear on the weekly road report in due course as there will be diversions in place to allow the works to take place at this very busy location.

Monday, 7 February 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Perth Road between Glamis Road and Seymour Street - rolling 2 way temporary traffic lights for 3 weeks starting Monday 7 February for City Fibre works.

Lochee Road (Smellies Lane to North Marketgait) – closed eastbound from Monday 7 February for 4 days for Virgin Media work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Westgrove Avenue (Farington Street to 8 Westgrove Avenue) – closed from Tuesday 15 February for 4 days for Scottish and Southern Energy Network work.

Riverside Drive (near Wright Avenue) – overnight (6.00pm to 6.30am) and off-peak temporary traffic lights from Monday 21 February for 2 weeks for Energy Assets gas service connection.

Westgrove Avenue - road closure between Perth Road and Blackness Road for 6 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Shaftesbury Road - road closure between Perth Road and Seymour Street for 8 days starting Monday 28 February for City Fibre works.

Strawberrybank (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 14 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Osborne Place (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 21 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Magdalen Yard Road - 2 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 21 March for 3 days for City Fibre works.

Shepherd’s Loan (Magdalen Yard Road and Perth Road) – closed from Monday 28 March for 6 days for City Fibre works.

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Home Heating Support Fund

Many residents have highlighted concerns about soaring heating bills, so it is good to have been advised of the Home Heating Support Fund which is open until 31st March. 

Residents cannot apply directly, but they should contact Advice Direct Scotland for free on 0808 800 9060 or visit, and trained advisers can assess their eligibility and refer them if appropriate.

Even if they are not eligible, Advice Direct Scotland can offer free advice on energy and debt issues.

Targeted funding from the Home Heating Support Fund will reflect each individual’s circumstances, with extra support available for households where one person is over 75, they rely on electric heating, or live in a remote or island community.

Payments start at £100, rising to £500 to clear outstanding debt, with the money paid directly to suppliers on behalf of the household.

Eligibility is based on households which are ‘self-rationing’ their energy, meaning those who are deliberately limiting their energy use so that they can afford to spend money on other goods or services. This could be as a result of home-working or home-schooling due to the pandemic.

More information on the Home Heating Support Fund is available here -

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Super-fast broadband - Menzieshill Road #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the Menzieshill Road resident who contacted me recently to say that the work by City Fibre to install super-fast broadband infrastructure in Menzisehill Road had covered only part of the street, which would leave the remainder of the street without access to the system should they wish it as it becomes available.

I contacted the City Council about this and it appears this error by City Fibre was due to a misunderstanding about what pavements were adopted by the local authority. It is now the case that the whole of Menzieshill Road's pavements are adopted.

I have now had the following feedback from the council :

"There had been a miscommunication between City Fibre and someone from within Dundee City Council which has now been clarified. City Fibre plan to return in 6-8 weeks to install their network."

In addition to Menzieshill Road, I have assisted a number of residents with issues around the work by City Fibre and quality of pavement reinstatement and I am happy to speak with any residents with any issues around this work.

Friday, 4 February 2022

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Recycling calendar improvement proposal

I am very grateful to the West End resident who made the following good suggestion recently :

"I’d like to suggest an improvement on how the Council informs residents about the dates when the various refuse bins are collected. 

At the moment, as you will know, the Council mails out a card calendar, and on their website you can view or download an electronic version of the same card (

My suggestion is that they also provide a link on this page to a file that can be downloaded and then imported into an electronic calendar - the .ics format is commonly used for this purpose. This would be a progressive, useful, and not difficult addition to the service.

I did a quick search on other council sites, and the first one I found, Stirling Council, supported .ics as well as the card approach, so my suggestion is not fanciful."

I raised this with the council's waste services manager who raised it with the IT department to see if this was possible - and it is!    Here's the helpful response from the waste services manager :

"IT has advised that this is possible and we shall submit an IT bid to have this completed."

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Getting things done - Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

A resident recently asked me :

"Is there any possibility of putting in light controlled crossing facilities at the end of Perth Road and Riverside Avenue near the Technology Park entrance?

It is really difficult trying to walk to the middle of the road in peak hour then across.

You have many people leaving the Technology Park and crossing this busy road to get to Invergowrie.

In the low sun recently, it was concerning trying to cross."

I raised it with the City Council's Traffic and Road Safety Team Leader who has sent me this helpful response :

"I am going to get someone to do a survey here to see what level of pedestrian demand there is across the road.

To be quite frank I am not convinced that there is a high number so we will probably concentrate on the peak periods as a starting point and take it from there.

I have also got to be mindful that this is very near the boundary with Perth and Kinross Council and any consideration of a proposed new crossing would need to get some level of approval from them."

I will, of course, keep residents informed when I am given further updates.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Friends of Wighton lunchtime recital tomorrow

From Sheena Wellington :

We are still in the Land of Zoom for February though a small band of hardy souls who are ready to brave the open window ventilated Wighton Centre will be back at the singing from Tuesday 1st!

The Lunchtime Recital tomorrow - Wednesday 2nd February, - 1.15pm -1.45pm - will be given by mother and daughter duo MoragAnne Elder and Elisabeth Flett (Elisabeth pictured), playing fiddles and singing a selection of tunes to do with winter and the North.    

Both, of course, are long time friends of the Wighton, MoragAnne currently running the mixed instruments class and Essa who has grown up coming to Wighton classes and whose musical career we follow with great interest and pride. 

Essa is taking part in the Danny Kyle Open Stage online at the end of the month - her slot is on January 31st at 5pm on Celtic Radio so you can .

The concert is free - donations can be made at

and the link is

Topic: Wednesday Wighton Lunchtime concert
Time: Feb 2, 2022 01:00 PM London

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