Friday, 30 April 2021

Getting things done - Clovis Duveau Drive and Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the residents who over the past fortnight highlighted to me the graffiti in the pedestrian tunnel near to Clovis Duveau Drive and Riverside Avenue.

I contacted the City Council's Rapid Response Team to get this removed and the team lived up to its title as the graffiti was thereafter very promptly removed.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Logie area - house insulation update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, some time ago, I highlighted a site visit I had undertaken to two then void council properties in the Logie area to view the trial at internal insulation the council had undertaken to ensure the council properties in Logie have better insulation and all properties meet the Energy Efficiency in Social Housing Standard (EESSH) target.

As the tenants are aware, as the oldest council estate in Scotland and its Conservation status, external insulation is not possible and an internal solution is the way of ensuring warm homes into the future.

The work in the trial properties was very impressive. However, due to the COVID-19 health emergency, progress with this across Logie has been delayed so I asked the City Council for an update.

The Head of Housing and Communities has now advised as follows :

"Thank you for your recent enquiry on progress with EESSH . I can confirm the latest compliance figure is 86.05% (as of March 2021). This figure will be updated prior to our Social Housing Charter return to the Scottish Housing Regulator in May and with further EPCs lodged which have been delayed due to the Pandemic the figure should increase to nearer 90%.

Regarding the Logie estate it is still our plan to provide internal wall insulation to tenanted houses on this estate and we are looking at combining with other programmes to provide a more comprehensive solution however we are at the early stages of scoping this out.

COVID-19 has significantly delayed our insulation programme and we are only able to start our 2019/20 Programme at the end of April and realistically this will have a knock-on effect on programmes further down the line including Logie and Corso Street.

We will be in touch regarding further developments on these projects when we have more detail."

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Magdalen Green - a further update #dundeewestend

I have recently been in discussion with both Police Scotland and City Council officers following the recent disgraceful vandalism on Magdalen Green that resulted in a table and seating being destroyed by fire.    Additionally, as the photo shows, another table was recently also vandalised although the damage was less severe than happened to the other table and chairs.    Environment management will ensure repair of this.

As I said to the media at the time of the vandalism, it is vital that the vandals do not win and I am grateful to Police Scotland for the comprehensive response I have received in relation to policing resource in relation to the Green.

The council had previously promised Friends of Magdalen Green further tables and seating and this will be provided by around 7th May.    Whilst welcome, it is vital that the possibility of a repetition of previous vandalism is minimised.    Policing is a key part of that but I have also been engaging with council environment management about the provision of static metal bins near to seating and separate static BBQ facilities to avoid portable BBQs being used on tables with predictable disastrous results.

Meantime, BBQ tables promised for the parklet area near the community fridge at the Miller's Wynd car park should be in place hopefully this week.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Abbotsford and Corso sheltered housing - grass maintenance #dundeewestend

Sheltered tenants in the Corso and Abbotsford areas have asked me for an update on grass maintenance in the area.

I have been in touch with with our local environment manager about this and he advises that where the grass is done by hand machine, this work is now well underway. 

The ride-on mowers' work should be starting this week.

Monday, 26 April 2021

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Riverside Drive/Riverside Approach - give/take traffic control from Monday 26 April for 2 weeks for sign replacement works.

BT Cable Renewal Programme – rolling off peak temporary traffic lights at various location from Monday 26 April for 4 weeks – streets affected in order are: Strathmore Avenue (at Hospital Street); Loons Road (at Gardner Street); Logie Street (at Ancrum Road); Glamis Road (at Ancrum Road); City Road (at Pentland Avenue); Charleston Drive (at Yarrow Terrace); Glamis Road (at Elmwood Road); Blackness Road (at Seymour Street) and Perth Road (at Pennycook Lane).

Forthcoming Road Works

Perth Road (Hyndford Street to Windsor Street) – closed on Wednesday 5 May for Scottish Water work.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

New online craft club

Details below of a new online craft club - all welcome :

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Blether Tay-Gither - Storytelling in Dundee

Blether Tay-Gither is the Dundee Storytelling Group.

From Sheila Kinninmonth, Blether Tay-Gither’s secretary :

Hope you can join us for our April Blether on Zoom

Tuesday 27th April – 7pm to 9pm

This month's theme for those who want a theme is is Rebels, Bandits, and Outlaws - but feel free to share any story, poem or song you would like to share, we're very informal and not at all strict.  Limit 10 minutes maximum please.

Stories throughout the ages are told about those who do not play by the rules. I'm certain we have all had a hero with a rebellious streak. The outlaw is necessary for change and bringing a bit of colour to our lives. Stories would be awful dull without them.
Join us for stories this month of the mayhem of mavericks, the antics of outcasts, the swindles of swindlers. Bring a story and share a cuppa over the internet, or just come to listen and have a blether.

Zoom details to join are :

Topic: Blether Tay-Gither Storytelling Club
Time: Apr 27, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 824 6027 0020

Hope to see you there!

Friday, 23 April 2021

Roads and pavements improvements 2021-22 #dundeewestend

Yesterday, I was advised of the detail of roads and pavements improvements planned for the West End for this financial year and these are as follows :

Adopted Footway Programme 2021-22

Perth Road South Side - Nr 312 to Taylors Lane – Resurface

South Tay Street - East Side - Whole Length – Slabs

Taits Lane - Both Sides - Various Sections - Resurface + Kerb

Unadopted Asset Programme 2021-22

Dunmore Gardens – Footways – Reconstruction

Norwood Terrace - North Footway – Reconstruction

Perth Road - South Footway Phase 2 – Reconstruction *

Rockfield Crescent – Footways – Reconstruction

* I sought clarity as to the precise part of Perth Road concerned and am advised it is the south pavement roughly between opposite the bottom of Ninewells Avenue to just west of Millbay Terrace/Gardens

Non-Adopted Asset Programme 2021-22

Seafield Road Car Park - 15 Bays - Resurface

Union Place (South) Car Park - 35 Bays - Reconstruction

Carriageway Programme 2021-22

Briarwood Terrace - Whole Cul de Sac – Resurface

Grosvenor Road - Perth Road to Shaftesbury Road – Resurface

Newhall Gardens - Main Loop Only - Surface Dress

Ninewells Avenue - Perth Road to Dickson Avenue-  Surface Dress

These are very welcome – I have been raising many of these with the City Council repeatedly on behalf of residents.   However, this does not go nearly as far as is required for the West End in terms of getting all our roads and footpaths up to standard.

At the 2021 Dundee City Council budget meeting, my colleague and I presented an alternative budget which would have seen an extra £2 million capital spending over the next year on roads resurfacing.   

We believe a substantial increase in roads resurfacing is necessary to tackle worn and potholed local roads.  

Unfortunately, none of the other parties supported our £2 million additional spending despite it being fully costed, but I will continue to pursue improving road condition across the West End.

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Getting things done - Perth Road #dundeewestend

At the request of residents, I recently sought an update from the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership about future pavement surfacing improvements planned along Perth Road.

I have been given the following update :

"The section between West Wynd and Springfield (south side) is currently in the 2022-23 Footway Programme.

This summer, the footways that receive the worst condition score (5 or 6) are then further detail scored to produce the 5 year Footway Programme

There are many sections of Perth Road that will be looked at for inclusion."

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Getting things done - Magdalen Green #dundeewestend

In recent years, at my request, over the spring/summer, additional wheelie bins have been placed on the northern edge of Magdalen Green to cope with the additional litter generated over the periods of better weather.    They are removed over the winter.

I asked back in March for additional bins to be placed again this year and was promised by the City Council that this would be done.     However, only two initially appeared (roughly opposite Step Row).     I therefore contacted environment management again on 8th April and was assured this would be resolved, which I am pleased to note has since been done.

However, I have asked if thought can be given in the future to consider recycling bins - plastics in particular - and not just general waste, given the amount of litter that consists of plastics.

Given the dreadful vandalism on the Green last Friday night, I have been in discussions with council officers and Police Scotland about the issues.    Adequate bins is hardly the whole solution to this, but it helps.    I will be keeping residents updated.

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Blackness Library - an update

Many residents have asked me when Leisure & Culture Dundee aims to reopen Blackness Library.

Last Friday, it was announced that the Central Library will reopen on Monday 26th April with.reduced opening hours (Monday, Thursday, Friday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm; Tuesday 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm and Wednesday and Saturday 10am to 1pm).

It will be open for lower floor departments only - returns, browsing and borrowing, limited PC access. Reconnect and Collect will also be available.

I have asked the Director of Leisure & Culture Dundee the position regarding Blackness Library and she has advised as follows :

"As with previous reopening plans, Leisure & Culture Dundee is working closely with Dundee City Council to ensure a co-ordinated approach to service resumption.

These plans are still being finalised and in terms of libraries will take place on a phased basis initially with reduced hours. I will let you know the date for Blackness Library as soon as I have confirmation."

I will, of course, continue to keep residents updated.

Monday, 19 April 2021

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Forthcoming Road Works

Riverside Drive/Riverside Approach - give/take traffic control from Monday 26 April for 2 weeks for sign replacement works.

BT Cable Renewal Programme – rolling off‑peak temporary traffic lights at various location from Monday 26 April for 4 weeks – streets affected in order are: Strathmore Avenue (at Hospital Street); Loons Road (at Gardner Street); Logie Street (at Ancrum Road); Glamis Road (at Ancrum Road); City Road (at Pentland Avenue); Charleston Drive (at Yarrow Terrace); Glamis Road (at Elmwood Road); Blackness Road (at Seymour Street) and Perth Road (at Pennycook Lane).

Perth Road (Hyndford Street to Windsor Street) – closed on Wednesday 5 May for Scottish Water work.

Sunday, 18 April 2021

MS Awareness Week 2021

MS Awareness Week starts tomorrow.

Please see the poster below for information from the MS Society on details of some events coming up during the week.

Details of the sessions can be found at its Eventbrite page here.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Temporary Traffic Order - Hawkhill

Temporary Traffic Order - Hawkhill (this also covers Meadowside outside the West End Ward) :

Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of supporting local bus services in response to the Covid 19 pandemic.     The Order is expected to be in force for 12 months from 22 April 2021.   Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months.

The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily(1) all vehicles northbound except buses and cycles in Meadowside (northbound motorised vehicular lane) for a distance of 24 metres or thereby northwards from a point 17.5 metres or thereby northwards from the intersection of the extended west kerbline of Meadowside with the extended north kerbline of Bell Street and (2) all vehicles in the southmost lane except buses and cycles at West Marketgait, West Port Roundabout and Hawkhill (southmost lane) from a point 35.5 metres or thereby eastwards from the junction of West Marketgait with West Port Roundabout at its east leg, westwards for a distance of 73 metres or thereby.

Buses and cyclists are unaffected.

No diversion routes required.

Queries should be addressed to the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS - phone 433082.

Friday, 16 April 2021

Sustainable Wardrobe Workshop

The Sustainable Wardrobe Workshop is a Gate Church Carbon Saving Project online event a week tomorrow - Saturday 24th April - at 11am.

The project team advise :

"Join us during Fashion Revolution Week to hear how you can make your wardrobe more sustainable and why this is so important, just as all the high street fast fashion brands are preparing to reopen.

We'll be joined by Adele The Sustainable Stylist from House of Colour, who will be sharing her tips with us on how to thrift like a pro.

We'll be sharing information about our Community Wardrobe and other useful local tips.

This will be an interactive session and we look forward to hearing your sustainable fashion tips."

Furter information and how to take part is available here.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Getting things done - Riverside Avenue #dundeewestend

I have received a number of residents' concern about the width of the foot/cycle path on part of Riverside Avenue, particularly between the roundabout with Riverside drive and the entrance to Riverside Nature Park at Wright Avenue.

This comment from a resident captures the concern :

“The footpath along Riverside Avenue from the roundabout going to Wright Avenue is far too narrow for pedestrians, prams, children AND bicycles. Noticed a lady having to step onto the road while trying to move around prams and a fast moving lorry was lucky to have missed her.”

I raised this recently with the City Council's Team Leader, Parking & Sustainable Transport who has responded as follows :

"This section of footway carries the NCN77 (National Cycle Network) and officers are aware that width is less than desirable. As part of the Spaces for People programme this winter, there has been a clearance of overgrown shrubs in this area - creating more usable space. I have asked colleagues to check whether the shrub clearance is complete - and determine whether more work to scrape back the earth/leaves is needed.

Work to widen the path or re-route this section of the NCN will be considered and may be taken forward as a future project. We would hope to be able to match our own capital allocation for active travel infrastructure against external funding sources to take projects like this forward."

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Getting things done - Abbotsford Place #dundeewestend

I have received concerns from many residents about the poor state of the roadway in parts of Abbotsford Place and raised this with the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership.

I have now received the following helpful update :

"Abbotsford Place is included in the Structural Inlay Programme for 2021-2022.

Structural inlay is reconstruction of the carriageway at those spots identified where deterioration of the road structure extends into the layers below the wearing surface.

So, yes it is a new surface but more depth of the road surface will be removed then be reconstructed to the existing road surface.

This will apply to targeted areas in Abbotsford Place so the whole of Abbotsford Place carriageway will not be renewed/resurfaced."

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Getting things done - Hillcrest Road #dundeewestend

I have recently received concerns about the deteriorating road surface towards the west end of Hillcrest Road.

This part of the road was not resurfaced some time ago when the rest of the street was given an improved surface and I therefore raised ths with the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership.

I have now had a helpful response as follows :

“An inspection has been carried out at Hillcrest Road and there are currently no actionable defects. However an order has been raised to repair non actionable defects when resources are available.

Non actionable defects are minor defects and have no specified timescale for repair. Actionable defects are defects that require intervention i.e. repair within an appropriate timescale dependant on the location and scale of the fault.”

Monday, 12 April 2021

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Forthcoming Road Works

Riverside Drive/Riverside Approach - give/take traffic control from Monday 26 April for 2 weeks for sign replacement works.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Introduction to Mindfulness course

A really useful online course on introduction to mindfulness is taking place this Thursday - 15th April.
To book a place, please contact Laura on - many thanks :

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Getting things done - Roseangle recycling #dundeewestend

I have in recent months had repeated complaints about the recycling centre at Roseangle being overflowing.

Although the environment management team at the City Council has responded promptly to each issue I raise about this, I have now had an assurance that it is pursuing the viability of increasing the frequency of sevicing of the site which will hopefully resolve this problem.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Getting things done - Pennycook Lane #dundeewestend

I have recently had a number of concerns about the state of the road surface in Pennycook Lane, including this resident's comment :

"I was hoping you could possibly find out if the many potholes that are now on the road leading to the car park would be getting filled in. 

They are worse than last year and bigger."

I have therefore wrote to the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership requseting repairs and have now received the following helpful reply :

"An order has been raised for repairs to be carried out."

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Getting things done - rail line at Magdalen Green #dundeewestend

Network Rail recently cut back the vegetation on one side of the rail line at Magdalen Green and residents asked me if the company intended doing this welcome work on the other side of the line.

I contacted Network Rail and have had the following helpful response :

"Thank you for contacting us about the vegetation on our land at Magdalen Green, Dundee.

I can confirm that there are plans to cut back the vegetation on other side of the railway.

I cannot give you an exact date for this, but it is in our programme of work to be done."

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Getting things done – Lower Pleasance #dundeewestend

I have recently received several complaints from residents about the extent of graffiti in the Lower Pleasance area, some of which has offensive content.

I have raised this with the City Council’s Rapid Response Team requesting that it is removed.

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

Getting things done - Balgay Hill #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted to me that, following several trees being felled up Balgay Hill in recent months, the safety barriers have been left behind.

I have therefore raised this with the environment management team at the City Council who have advised as follows :

"The fencing was put in place as a safety measure because of the damage to the footpaths by the windblown Corsican Pine trees. As the trees were blown parts of the path had lifted causing a safety issue and the fences were put in place to prevent direct access.

I can only assume the fence had fallen or had been pushed over.

I am led to believe that heavy plant machinery will be on site this week to rectify the footpath. In the short term I will request that staff reposition the fence."

Monday, 5 April 2021

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend




Riverside Avenue (at Wright Avenue) – off peak temporary traffic lights on Thursday 8 April for Scottish Water work.

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Getting things done – Union Place #dundeewestend

I have had numerous concerns from residents in Union Place recently about overflowing rubbish at the Eurobins in Union Place and I therefore requested from the City Council that an additional general waste Eurobin be provided for residents.

I am pleased to have now received positive feedback from environment management as follows :

“We've agreed to relocate the south-most set of bins within the car park which will enable an additional bin for general waste to be added, thus creating more capacity and reducing the opportunity for side waste and littering in general.

We are going to monitor the bins in the coming weeks and make any necessary adjustments thereafter.”

A very Happy Easter Sunday!


Saturday, 3 April 2021

Getting things done - Seafield Road and Westfield Lane #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted that the path that connects the lane from Seafield Road (38 to 48) to the grassy area towards the bottom end of Westfield Lane becomes ‘a bit of a mud pit’ when it rains (as one resident accurately put it).

The lane itself is not a City Council adopted pathway but I have asked environment management who own the grass area if the surface of this short length of path to the grass area could be improved.

Friday, 2 April 2021

Getting things done – Seabraes bins #dundeewestend

A West End resident recently contacted me regarding the bins at Seabraes :

“I had a lovely walk up Perth Road yesterday but was saddened to see the gulls had been out in force at Seabraes.

Any chance the bins can be changed to the ones at City Quay which are more gull proof please?”

I took this up with our local environment manager who has now updated me as follows :

‘Just a quick note to say that we are looking into this. 

 Any replacement bins would have to be in keeping with the rest of the furniture and of a suitable type and construction, so we are looking into what is available.’

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Getting things done - Hazel Drive #dundeewestend

A resident recently advised me :

‘I wonder if anything can be done about the lane leading from Hazel  Drive, near Hazel Gardens,  to Perth Road. The area by the drains is totally blocked by leaves and mud. When it rains, the path becomes a mini river.’

I took this up with the Roads Maintenance Partnership and have now been advised that the local roads inspector has since checked the gullies at the top and bottom of this footpath and they are now clear.   

Our local environment manager has been asked to ensure the leaves in the path are removed.