Monday, 30 November 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Hawkhill – lane closures for 3 weeks for street lighting column installation works.

Abbotsford Street (at Blackness Road) – closed from Monday 30 November for 3 days for BT work. 

Blackness Road (at Abbotsford Street) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 30 November for 3 days for BT work. 

Forthcoming Roadworks

Riverside Drive (at Railway Station) – layby and taxi rank closed from Monday 7 December for 5 days for SGN service connection.

Blackness Road (at Rosefield Street) – off-peak temporary traffic lights Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 December for BT work.

Riverside Drive (Tay Rail Bridge to Tesco roundabout) – eastbound nearside lane closure from Thursday 10 December for one week for new water connections.

Lower Pleasance (at Lochee Road) – closed overnight (9.00pm – 6.00am) from Monday 14 December for 3 nights for BT works. 

Lochee Road (at Polepark Road) – overnight temporary traffic lights (9.00pm – 6.00am) from Monday 14 December for 3 nights for BT work.

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Getting things done - Perth Road #dundeewestend

I recently received a number of complaints from residents about blocked road gullies in Perth Road east of Harris Academy towards West Park Road.

I raised this with the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and have received the following positive response :

"The gully machine operator is going to check these gullies past the cemetery to West Park Road area."

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Update from the Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden

Great update from the friends of
Botanic Garden, University of Dundee :

"As some of you will be aware, the Friends’ Anthology has now been published.

The fundamental purpose of the book is to raise awareness of the Garden within the city and further afield. From stories and poetry to sketches and paintings, contributors colourfully express their emotional response to the Garden in all its seasons, exploring and emphasising the importance of the space.

The book retails for £19.99 and can be purchased at Garden reception on any day of the week, and also in the Macro-Micro building within the Garden on Wednesdays where some of those who helped produce the book can answer any questions you may have or deal with specific requirements.

We have received many complimentary emails from those who have seen and purchased the book regarding both its content and physical appearance.

We hope you will consider purchasing a copy – it may be the ideal present for Christmas to introduce others to the Garden."

Please also see the article here.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Temporary Traffic Order - Abbotsford Street

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of BT duct repair works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Abbotsford Street (at its junction with Blackness Road), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Monday 30 November 2020 for 3 working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available Blackness Road / Seymour Street / Abbotsford Street.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Lochee Park update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, back in August, I was pleased to report that the council's environment manager for our area had advised that a new picnic table would be provided at Lochee Park and it was soon in place - see above.

Since then, many residents have pointed out it is very well-used and could more be provided.   

I contacted the environment manager about this and have had the following helpful response :

"There is another picnic table to be installed near the play park, along with a youth shelter which will be nearer to the exercise equipment.   These are being done as part of our winter programme of works."

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Love Dundee Local!

Businesses in Dundee are being invited to join the new ‘Love Dundee Local’ service, which helps local companies to serve local people.

The service, website and mobile app have been developed by the Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce, Dundee City Council and key private sector providers to support businesses across sectors.

Local businesses, including shops, pubs, restaurants, bars, and independent drinks merchants have played a key role in their communities throughout the pandemic by safely providing food and drink, gifts, household goods, and other products to families, people on the shielding list and others.

These businesses are now being given the opportunity to join the ‘Love Dundee Local’ service to offer food, drinks and other products for collection or delivery, in a new way.

This is an excellent initiative and you can find out more here.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Financial advice and support

Money worries, debt or benefits concerns?

The following information provides useful financial advice and contact numbers :

Monday, 23 November 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Hawkhill – lane closures for 4 weeks for street lighting column installation works.

Lochee Road (at Rankine Street) – mini contraflow until mid-week for Scottish Water work.

Seafield Road (Perth Road to Roseangle) – closed Monday 23 November for 4 days for carriageway resurfacing works.

Lower Pleasance (Brewery Lane to Douglas Street) – closed from Wednesday 25 November for Scottish Water work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Abbotsford Street (at Blackness Road) – closed from Monday 30 November for 3 days for BT work.

Blackness Road (at Abbotsford Street) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 30 November for 3 days for BT work.

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Temporary Traffic Order - Lower Pleasance

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of Scottish Water manhole repair works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Lower Pleasance (between Douglas Street and Brewery Lane), Dundee

This notice comes into effect on Wednesday 25 November 2020 for 1 day.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Douglas Street / Brook Street / Brewery Lane.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development - Dundee City Council

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Ninewells Community Garden - on-line event #dundeewestend

Movie Screening and Discussion - Kiss the Ground 
Thursday 26th November at 6pm

Kiss the Ground is a full-length documentary narrated by Woody Harrelson that sheds light on a new, old approach to farming called “regenerative agriculture” that has the potential to balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world.

The movie screening will be followed by a discussion, details of how to watch the movie and join the discussion will be sent to you before to the screening time.

Full details available here.

Friday, 20 November 2020

Dundee Art Society Exhibition #dundeewestend

From Dundee Art Society :

Dundee Art Society is holding their Winter Art Exhibition at Roseangle Gallery, 17 Roseangle.

Although Covid rules are in place, so no preview with refreshments and a wee glass of wine can happen, but at least we are allowed to open this exhibition for a week. 

It starts on Saturday 21st November and runs every day till Saturday 28th November, open daily from 11am to 5pm.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Temporary traffic order - Seafield Road

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of carriageway resurfacing works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Seafield Road (from Perth Road to Roseangle), Dundee

This notice comes into effect on Monday 23 November 2020 for 5 working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Access will be maintained where possible.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Perth Road / Roseangle .

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development

Dundee City Council

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Residents' parking scheme for the West End - a further update

Residents will recall that I had recently raised with the City Council the need to complete the consultation on a possible residents' parking scheme for a significant area in the east and north of the West End Ward.

The consultation was abruptly suspended back in March due to the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 health emergency.    As I indicated to council officers, I do not want to see this kicked into the long grass as the parking problems for many residents continue.

The council's Parking and Sustainable Transport Team Leader has now updated councillors as follows :

"The report on the proposed extension of a residents' parking scheme came before the City Development committee on 9 March 2020 and officers were instructed to conclude the consultation with relevant community groups before bringing back a further options report to the committee. 

The public consultation in the West End was largely completed prior to lockdown with a lot of community feedback collated following two public events held at Blackness Library in March 2020.  Further public engagement events in Maryfield and Coldside wards were unable to take place due to lockdown restrictions.

Council officers from City Development, with support from the Communities Team, expect to recommence the public engagement on resident parking issues in March 2021 or at the earliest possible date after restrictions on public gatherings are lifted.   It is then anticipated that a full options report will be presented to committee later that year."

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Environmental improvements across the West End

I am pleased to advise that, at last night's City Council Neighbourhood Services Committee, various environmental improvements across the city were approved.

In the West End, these will include improvements at Riverside Nature Park, along Riverside Drive and at Seabraes.

Further detail is given in the plans below :

Monday, 16 November 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Hawkhill – lane closures for 5 weeks for street lighting column installation works.

Glamis Drive – closed from Monday 9 November for 2 weeks for carriageway surfacing.

Perth Road (at Farrington Street) – temporary traffic lights for one week for SGN work.

Lochee Road (at Rankine Street) – mini contraflow Tuesday 17 November for one week for Scottish Water work. 

Forthcoming Roadworks

Seafield Road (Perth Road to Roseangle) – closed from Monday 23 November for 5 working days for carriageway resurfacing works.

Abbotsford Street (at Blackness Road) – closed from Monday 30 November for 3 days for BT work. 

Blackness Road (at Abbotsford Street) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 30 November for 3 days for BT work. 

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Dundee City Council Tenants - Have Your Say - Rent Consultation 2020

From the City Council :

“Every year, the City Council Neighbourhood Services reviews the rent and other charges that we need to collect so that we can continue to deliver the services that you have told us you want. 

Neighbourhood Services aim to ensure that the highest quality of housing is provided for the people of Dundee in a safe and healthy environment. This can only be achieved through partnership working across all sectors. 

The council strives to provide a continually high standard of service by consulting and engaging with tenants on decisions which involve them. 

The current restrictions continue to make this a challenge, however, your opinion matters, so please take time some to be part in this year’s rent consultation before 23rd December 2020. 

Below are some examples of how you can Get Involved & Have Your Say :

• Information displayed on the Council, partner and Elected Member social media portals and websites.

• Taking the opportunity to complete the survey if asked to Get Involved by Council staff, either in person, or over the phone.

• Complete the survey by visiting

• Text ‘RENT 1, 2 or 3’ to 0753 924 2303

• Scanning ‘QR’ Quick Response code on literature 

Following the consultation period, all feedback received on the proposed options will be reported to, and considered by, Committee in January 2021.”

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Please support Adoption Week 2020!

I am supporting Adoption Week Scotland 2020 that runs all next week and the City Council is promoting this excellent yearly event to promote adoption and fostering in Dundee.

The Dundee adoption and fostering Facebook page is at and will have daily posts throughout the week.

Friday, 13 November 2020

Bike rack provision in the West End #dundeewestend

Towards the end of last year, the City Council's Outdoor Access Officer discussed possible improvements to bike racks provision in Perth Road and Blackness Road, something many local residents have said would assist local cyclists.

Sites were discussed and agreed but, meantime, the health emergency rather got in the way of these being installed.

I recently asked the Outdoor Access Officer for an update and have received the following positive response :

"I was in touch with the contractor about a week ago, and he was intending to get the racks installed this month.  

You will remember this will install one stand at the Spar, one at the front of Sainsbury's and a rack of 4 stands at the library on the Perth Road. There was also a stand to go in near the Chemists at Blackness Road.

I hope this helps at the locations your constituent visits.

As you say the main delay to these being installed was the Covid-19 situation."

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Bollard at Roseangle playpark area - an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that I had recently reported a bollard that requires to be re-sited back in place on the foot/cycle path near the Roseangle playpark.

The City Council has now responded as follows :

"The aforementioned bollard has been sheared at the base and is not re-installable.    The hole has been made safe and I have ordered a new one to replace it when it arrives it will be installed."

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Lest we forget


Tuesday, 10 November 2020

No Trees to Whisper - Book Week Scotland at the Wighton!

From Sheena Wellington of Friends of Wighton :

We are back!  Online but with a very special event to celebrate Book Week Scotland 

Saturday November 21st from 2pm - 3.30pm 

No Trees to Whisper – the  Music of Poetry 

No Trees to Whisper is  a song cycle commissioned by soprano and clarinet duo, Turning the Elements who are soprano Frances Cooper and clarinettist Joanna Nicholson.   

Poetry workshop led by Dawn Wood.

Be the first audience to hear extracts from this new commission and have the opportunity to work with one of the poets involved, and the musicians, to create a new piece – all from the comfort of your own home, via Zoom!             

Dr Samuel Johnson and James Boswell’s famous diaries of their Journey to the Highlands and Islands in 1779 were the inspiration for this project, supported by Creative Scotland, with poetry commissioned from Haworth Hodgkinson, Iain Morrison and Dawn Wood, and music by Gemma McGregor, Linda Buckley and Aidan O’Rourke.

Dawn Wood will lead the workshop, delving into some of the ways she finds inspiration for her writing, and sharing some of the poetry she produced for the project.  She will use guided meditation techniques to allow participants to access their sensory imagination as they explore aspects of the Scottish landscape and its future. Participants will have the opportunity to produce writing during the workshop, resulting in a collaborative text which will be explored using improvised music by Frances Cooper and Joanna Nicholson.

The workshop is free but places are limited so if you would like to take part in this exciting event, or be part of the audience,   please register your interest by email to

Monday, 9 November 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Hawkhill – lane closures for 6 weeks for street lighting column installation works.

Pentland Avenue (City Road to Scott Street) – closed westbound from Monday 2 November for 6 days to facilitate road safety works.

Glamis Drive – closed from Monday 9 November for 2 weeks for carriageway surfacing.

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Operation After Dark - Winter Home Security

From Tayside Police Division :

“Well the summer time has officially gone, as the clocks went back at the weekend there, and it’s time for our annual Operation After Dark.

As part of this ongoing effort to raise winter home security awareness, this week officers will be out on both high-visibility and plain clothes patrols in areas that are often targeted by thieves.

They will be identifying any property which appears to be vulnerable, speaking with occupiers of identified addresses, and delivering security advice leaflets.

Some basic crime prevention advice for the darker / shorter days includes : 

 ·         Ensure that timer switches are being used on lights / radios to make it look and sound like someone is within.

·         Ensure that all windows and doors are kept secure when you leave your property or go to bed.

·         Ensure security lighting is in working order – potential housebreakers do not like being seen.

·         Ensure garden tools / ladders are locked away when not in use - these are often used to assist with gaining entry to your house.

·         Ensure sheds and outbuildings have a good quality lock fitted - these are often the first place targeted.

·         Don't leave bins out when they don't need to be - another sign that you or your neighbour’s home may be unoccupied.

·        Catalogue all your property as best possible.”

More home security advice is available at

Saturday, 7 November 2020

Building Bridges Symposium 2020

From Al-Maktoum College of Higher Education :

Friday, 6 November 2020

West Port artwork - an update

Residents will know the artwork in the West Port, where public toilets once sat - photo above.

Art UK explains its background :

"Pyramid and Canopies - Stan Bonnar 

Commissioned in 1983, the West Port 'Pyramid and Canopies' was not only a sculptural artwork, but also formed the roof structure and stairway down to a newly modernised underground public toilets. 

The last images in the series, provided by the artist, show the work as it initially appeared. Bonnar was given the brief of proposing artworks for the West Port area of Dundee, and during this creative survey, he saw that the old Victorian 'men only' public toilets had fallen into disrepair."

Stan was recently in touch with me about the current state of the artwork which definitely needs some tender loving care to remove graffiti, repaint it and clean the pyramid.

The City Council's planning officer who deal with public art matters is kindly arranging this.

Stan has suggested some improvements including creating seating - to quote him :

" ...  the seating would be installed as part of a conservation scheme for the trees and pyramid at some time in the future.  I hope that the artwork will be able to be 'topped off’ by reinstating the globes.

It would be great if they were made to light up as this would accentuate their functioning in the artwork as a symbol of oneness. (red supporting blue - blue supporting red - each the environment and meaning of the other). 

And of course this is reflected in the symbolic value of the pyramid."

Stan has kindly produced a mock-up of what this could look like - below :

Thursday, 5 November 2020

Dundee Carers’ Centre #dundeewestend

Dundee Carers’ Centre has a page for West End  that is useful.

It covers the work the centre undertakes in the West End, the partnership organisations the centre works with in our area and its work with schools.

You can read this here.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Glamis Drive resurfacing works – a further update

Further to my recent post with the good news that the roadway of Glamis Drive is to be resurfaced next week, the city Council has updated adjacent residents as follows :

“Glamis Drive/Invergowrie Drive (60 Invergowrie Drive to Glamis Road) – Carriageway Resurfacing

I wish to notify you that work is programmed to commence at the above location on Monday 9 November 2020,lasting for approximately 8 days.   The main contractor for the works is Tayside Contracts.

The works will be carried out in 2 phases to minimise disruption and maintain safe vehicular access where possible.

In the interests of public safety, road closures will be implemented, with traffic restrictions as follows :

• during Phase 1 Glamis Drive will be closed from 60 Invergowrie Drive to Hillside Road; and

• during Phase 2 Glamis Drive will be closed from Hillside Road to Glamis Road.

Traffic will be diverted via Glamis Road, Perth Road, Invergowrie Drive and reverse for the full duration of the works, while no on-street parking will be allowed on the section of carriageway being worked on.

Access for residents will be maintained where possible, although we ask for vehicular traffic movements to be kept to a minimum. Vehicular access will be maintained to the residents of Glamis Drive from Glamis Road during Phase 1 and from Invergowrie Drive during Phase 2 of the works.

During Phase 1 some residents from Glamis Drive, Invergowrie Drive and Glamis Gardens may experience some unavoidable delays.

Please accept my apologies for any disruption these essential works may cause. I am sure that you will understand that major road maintenance work is unavoidable and necessitates a degree of inconvenience to road users."

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Getting things done : Roseangle playpark area #dundeewestend

Last week, residents highlighted to me that on the foot/cycle path near the Roseangle playpark, a bollard required to be re-sited back in place.

I have asked the City Council to attend to this.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Hawkhill – lane closures for 3 weeks for street lighting columns installation works.

Pentland Avenue (City Road to Scott Street) – closed westbound from Monday 2 November for 6 days to facilitate road safety works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Glamis Drive – closed from Monday 9 November for 2 weeks for carriageway surfacing.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Friends at the End webinar