I asked Scotland Gas Networks (SGN) about progress with their work in the Perth Road/Glamis Road area - particularly as residents have queried how long the temporary traffic lights on Perth Road at Farington Terrace will continue.
SGN's Team Manager has advised :
"We are currently completing the final phase in Perth Road. In order to maintain gas supplies we have to carry out the work in stages which unfortunately sometimes means returning to areas we worked in earlier in the project which obviously doesn’t look good to members of the public.
The programme now is to complete all work in Perth Road next week, at the same time we are also working at the Glamis Road/Ninewells Avenue junction which should also be complete next week. Following this, and dependent on the Scottish Water works, we will then return to the Glamis Road/Blackness Road roundabout with traffic lights and the final piece of the project is a road crossing on Glamis Road at Elliot Road which may also need traffic control."