In addition to a number of meetings with constituents yesterday, I also attended :

Ideas include bringing forward a masterplan for the area, including improved car parking, 'greening' the landscape, better walking links and compatible new planning uses such as creative industries, workshops, some small scale retail and residential development.
At this stage, these are only ideas and the input of local people and businesses is vital in progressing any proposals.
+ A meeting of the Bonnie Dundee group at the City Chambers. Bonnie Dundee encourages improvements to the Dundee environment and helps local groups who keep Dundee's parks, open areas, streets and gardens in good shape.
We discussed the various areas of Bonnie Dundee's work including the planters at Dundee Science Centre and West Port, a possible summer West End litter pick and Bonnie Dundee's input into the garden areas at the new Slessor Gardens in the Waterfront.

There was a very positive discussion about school activities and we also discussed School Crossing Patrollers and road safety near to the school.