Resurfacing was agreed for the stretch from West Park Road to Blackness Avenue some time ago but it was felt sensible to leave this until the completion of the new Harris Academy given the number of HGV movements during the construction of the new school building.
I have now been updated by the Roads Maintenance Partnership Manager at Dundee City Council/Tayside Contracts as follows :
"As requested, I can clarify that Perth Road from West Park Road to Blackness Avenue is proposed for a resurface in the 2016/17 programme. This is currently to be carried out as two separate contracts over appropriate phasing.
• Perth Road – West Park Road to Seymour Street (extents of works at West Park junction will be finalised once the school works are completed)
• Perth Road – Seymour Street to Blackness Avenue
As was the case this year with other proposed works on Perth Road there is a conflict with Scottish Water mains renewal which may affect the delivery of various parts of the proposed works i.e. we may have to defer until mains renewal works are complete.
It is however, our intention to ensure that the carriageway adjacent to the new Harris Academy is resurfaced prior to the school formally opening in August 2016. We have been advised that any mains works do not extend as far as the school."