Thursday, 31 March 2016

Great news for Dundee Museum of Transport!

Earlier this morning, I was delighted to take part in an event at Dundee Museum of Transport where the great news of an £80 000 grant for the museum, kindly donated by the Mathew Trust, was announced.

This will allow the museum to employ a new Museum Director and a consultancy post over the next two years to carry the museum project forward.   Its great news for the museum and a result of the hard work put in by all the volunteers that have made the museum such a success.

Here's museum Chair Jimmy McDonell (below left) making the announcement at the museum [alongside his publicity, marketing and planning colleague Matthew Jackson] earlier today :

Concern over rubbish at Invergowrie Bay

I have received concerns about the amount of rubbish floating in Invergowrie Bay - shopping trolleys, tyres, traffic cones and other items forming part of the shared habitat with the local bird life, a real concern.

Please see photos below (with thanks to my colleague and local resident Denis Taylor) :

I am advised that this part of the bay - right on the boundary between the Dundee and Perth & Kinross council areas - is on tidal land owned by the Crown Estates who have been contacted by Dundee City Council regarding the need for a clean-up of the bay area. 

I am pleased that Dundee Airport has agreed to assist with this.   It should be noted that some of the clean-up may have to take place after the end of the breeding season as there are breeding birds on the upper shore.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Harris Academy Project Board meeting

Part of the frontage of the new Harris Academy building as it looks this week
This morning, I participated in the latest Harris Academy Project Board meeting.   The Board oversees the strategic aspects of the new school building project and we had a very positive update about construction progress.

The building is substantially complete and can be handed over to the City Council by Robertson, the contractor, subject to snagging works that always are required with any new build, plus some slabbing work.    Residents will note the ferris fencing at the front of the site and the temporary huts being removed in the near future.

It was agreed at the Project Board today that it makes sense for senior pupils to come together in the new building for the last three weeks of term in June as a “soft opening” of the building, before it opens to all pupils at the start of the new academic year in August.   The reason this makes sense is that senior pupils start their new academic year work in June and with pupils from the current Harris and Menzieshill High School coming together, the best way to progress is for senior pupils to come together at the new Perth Road building at that stage.    Parents and carers will be fully informed about arrangements in the near future – this will obviously include transport arrangements in June for those pupils not within walking distance of the Perth Road building.

There will also be an induction day at the new building for younger pupils during June.

We also agreed that a transport sub-group of the Project Board will finalise the long-term bus provision in the near future (discussions with the bus companies and other arrangements are well advanced) and there will be opportunities in the coming weeks for the community to see round the fantastic new building.

It was a very positive meeting today and we agreed to have one last meeting of the Project Board in October once the school has settled in its new home in case there are any outstanding issues by that time.

Bonnie Dundee meeting

Last night, I attended the latest committee meeting of the Bonnie Dundee group, at the City Chambers. 

This really positive group encourages improvements to the Dundee environment and helps local groups who keep Dundee's parks, open areas, streets and gardens in good shape.

In addition to the work maintaining colourful planters over the summer at several locations such as the West Port, Union Street and outside Dundee Science Centre, the group is taking responsibility for one of the Waterfront’s Show Gardens in the new Slessor Gardens, which is great news.

You can find out more about the work of Bonnie Dundee here.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Freeview interference in the West End

A number of West End residents who live close to the Tay Rail Bridge (to its west) have contacted me as they are having television reception problems caused, they think, by the canvass canopies on the bridge as part of the current works, that they understand may be interfering with the TV signal.   These constituents receive their TV signals from the Tay Bridge relay transmitter in NE Fife.

I contacted the Community Relations Manager, Scotland, at Network Rail who advises :

"The map below shows the position of the TV Transmitter in Tayport (Tay Road Bridge); the top of the mast is 142M above sea level. The highest point of the rail bridge is 32.3M above sea level.

As you can see on the map below unless there are houses in the middle of the estuary it is impossible for the encapsulation to be affecting the TV signal, even ignoring the fact that the TV signals will pass through  PVC. 

The steel structure itself is far more likely to affect a TV signal and as that has been there since 1887 I doubt that would be the cause either."
Further investigation indicates that the interference may actually be caused by new 4G mobile phone services.   

4G signals at 800Mhz can interfere with Freeview signals and the mobile phone industry has a helpline (0808 13 13 800) which can provide a filter for your TV (and engineering support) to resolve the problem.      More information can be accessed here.

Monday, 28 March 2016

West End parking improvement proposals rejected

I have tonight criticised the City Council's administration for its complacent attitude towards tackling parking problems in the West End of the city.

At tonight’s City Development Committee, I moved the following motion :

“Committee notes with concern that, following the consultation exercise in 2012 in part of the West End Ward relative to a possible residents’ parking scheme, the parking situation for residents and local businesses in the area concerned has worsened.

Committee therefore instructs the Executive Director of City Development, during the 2016/17 financial year, to undertake a further consultation with community groups, local residents, the business community and other stakeholders such as the University of Dundee, to ascertain views as to measures short of a parking scheme that covers the whole of the original consultation area, that may have public support for possible future introduction.

Committee also instructs the Executive Director of City Development to report back on his findings and recommendations to this committee by 31st March 2017.”

My motion attracted 12 votes but I was outvoted by 15 SNP and Conservative councillors who supported “the status quo.”

It is highly disappointing that SNP and Conservative Councillors showed such complacency in failing to support further consultation with the community to find ways forward to improve parking in the West End.    I am very unimpressed with their ‘do nothing’ response to my proposal.  It will now clearly need a change of direction after the 2017 council election to ensure the parking issue is properly tackled.    Meantime, I will continue to campaign for parking improvements for the area.

Since the failed consultation now some years ago, it is obvious from the level of complaints from residents that the parking situation is getting worse not better and that local people find it increasingly difficult to get parked near their homes.    I therefore feel strongly that the council simply cannot walk away from the problem but must consider some further consultation on revised proposals – for example on a mix of different solutions each covering smaller areas, rather than the ‘wide area’ proposal suggested back in 2012.   

There’s a real need to be proactive on the very significant parking problems for residents and businesses in the area.

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward



Perth Road (Arnhall Street to Farington Street) – temporary traffic lights for 2 weeks for footway works.

Perth Road (at Springfield) – off-peak temporary traffic lights on Tuesday 29 March for BT network upgrade.

Forthcoming Closures

Fleuchar Street (Eassons Angle to Blyth Street), Blinshall Street (Lochee Road to Douglas Street) and Scott Street (City Road to Glenagnes Road) – closed for 20 weeks from Monday 4 April for SSE cable renewal works.

You can ready the weekly road report for the whole of the city here.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Blether Tay-Gither - Storytelling in Dundee

Our March meeting will take place on Tuesday 29th March in Madigan's Tea Emporium in Castle Street Dundee from 7.00pm - 9.00pm

The theme this month is "hats".

All welcome!

Friday, 25 March 2016

Street sign - Glenagnes Street

During a recent walkabout round the Logie area with City Council housing staff, I noted a missing street sign in Glenagnes Street at the junction with Ashbank Road.

I reported this and the City Council has now advised :

"A replacement sign will be included in the street name plate order currently being prepared.    Timescale for erection is approximately six to eight weeks."

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Riverside pitches - work completed

As residents are aware, I long campaigned to get a permanent and full resolution to the stones problem on the Riverside pitches on the south side of Riverside Drive, following a number of injuries to footballers in the past.

In June 2014, the City Council's Environment Committee agreed to the necessary works.    

I recently asked for an update on progress and the City Council’s Environment Manager has advised as follows :

“…the capital works in terms of the replacement top soil/seeding is complete although there is a minor issue with some drainage. Hence all going well they should all be available for next football season (August).”

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Perth Road - road improvements

As residents are aware, I have long campaigned for road surface improvements for parts of Perth Road where the surface is poor.

Resurfacing was agreed for the stretch from West Park Road to Blackness Avenue some time ago but it was felt sensible to leave this until the completion of the new Harris Academy given the number of HGV movements during the construction of the new school building.

I have now been updated by the Roads Maintenance Partnership Manager at Dundee City Council/Tayside Contracts as follows :

"As requested, I can clarify that Perth Road from West Park Road to Blackness Avenue is proposed for a resurface in the 2016/17 programme.   This is currently to be carried out as two separate contracts over appropriate phasing.

Perth Road – West Park Road to Seymour Street (extents of works at West Park junction will be finalised once the school works are completed)

Perth Road – Seymour Street to Blackness Avenue

As was the case this year with other proposed works on Perth Road there is a conflict with Scottish Water mains renewal which may affect the delivery of various parts of the proposed works i.e. we may have to defer until mains renewal works are complete. 

It is however, our intention to ensure that the carriageway adjacent to the new Harris Academy is resurfaced prior to the school formally opening in August 2016.   We have been advised that any mains works do not extend as far as the school."

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Dundee House - waiting arrangements

I recently received residents' complaints that the ticketing system at Dundee House when waiting for council tax and benefits enquiries is not working properly.

I contacted the City Council about this and the Head of Customer Services & IT has updated me as follows :

"At present we are experiencing some issues with the self service ticket machine. 

There is a notice placed on the machine directing customers to reception where staff can provide them with a ticket, where possible we are greeting customers on arrival and then taking them to reception to obtain the appropriate ticket.

There have been some issues with the current system from an IT perspective, around the hardware and replacement of parts and new security standards. Given this and also a number of other issues we are currently going through a tendering process for a new queue management system and demonstrations where held last week, I hope to be able to award the contract very soon which will result in a new queue management system for Dundee House and the District Offices."

I am pleased to say the new system was agreed at City Council's Policy & Resources Committee last week.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward



Glenagnes Street (Ashbank Road for 100m westwards) – closed from Monday 21 March for 5 days for demolition works.

Tay Square – closed from Monday 21 March for 5 days for BT duct laying.

Nethergate (at Park Place) – off-peak temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 22 to Thursday 24 March for BT duct installation.

Perth Road (at Farington Street) – temporary traffic lights for 2 weeks for footway reconstruction.

Lochee Road (at Blinshall Street) – off-peak (9.30am – 3.30pm) temporary traffic lights on Thursday 24 March for street lighting works.

Perth Road (Arnhall Street to Farington Street) – temporary traffic lights for 3 weeks for footway works.

Forthcoming Closures

Fleuchar Street (Eassons Angle to Blyth Street), Blinshall Street (Lochee Road to Douglas Street) and Scott Street City Road to Glenagnes Road) – closed for 20 weeks from Monday 4 April for SSE cable renewal works.

The full weekly report for the whole of Dundee can be read here.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

20 mph consultation - your views important!

From Dundee City Council :

Dundee City Council is considering implementing 20 mph speed limits on roads in residential areas throughout the city.   The council recognises that 20 mph limits have definitive road safety benefits and these can provide a basis where people feel safer to use more sustainable modes of transport such as walking and cycling.

The objective of introducing the 20 mph limit is to improve the local environment in residential areas for all road users, including car drivers, by reducing the number and severity of collisions and casualties on the city's roads, making the city a safer and better place to live in.

We hope that by making the streets safer and more pleasant to use this will encourage more cycling and walking, especially for local trips. This will not only bring road safety benefits, but will also help to improve overall health and well-being, reduce congestion and may improve air quality.

The council has launched this city wide consultation on 20 mph limits and it is hoped that residents and local organisations participate in this consultation exercise. This consultation exercise relates to 20 mph limits that will be signed only ie there will be no other physical measures to reduce vehicle speeds associated with any imposed 20 mph limit.

The council would appreciate if you could consider the map which highlights areas where the Council feel 20mph limits may be appropriate and answer a few questions relating to 20mph limits in the city.   The map is accessible here and you can most easily complete the questionnaire to give your views on-line by clicking here.

A hard copy of the map for this consultation exercise and a hard copy of the questionnaire are available in Dundee House Reception as well as the East and West Housing Offices and sheltered housing complexes.   

A PDF version of the questionnaire is also available here.   As an alternative to completing the on-line questionnaire, the PDF version can  printed off and the completed questionnaire emailed to or submitted by post to: Roads & Transport Division, City Development Department, Dundee City Council, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee DD1 1LS.

Should you wish to submit comments above those given in the questionnaire, please email Any email submitted will receive an automated receipt response but there will be no further communication to individual queries. However, any comments submitted in this way will be considered as part of the consultation exercise.

The consultation period will run until 30th June 2016.

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Earth Hour 2016

Earth Hour is a worldwide grassroots movement uniting people to protect the planet, and is organised by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).

Engaging a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues, Earth Hour was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007.    Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide.

Earth Hour 2016 will be held today - Saturday 19th March between 8.30pm and 9.30pm in our local time zone.    The event is held worldwide towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet.

You can read more about Earth Hour here.

Friday, 18 March 2016

Sunken pavement - Ashbank Road

I recently received concerns from residents about the state of the pavement in Ashbank Road on its east side near to the junction with Logie Avenue at the south side of the estate - see photo below :
It is badly sunken and, in the view of residents and myself, not safe to walk along.

I immediately contacted the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership who have put barriers in place - see below.
I have been advised by the Roads Maintenance Partnership :

"I am unable to advise of likely timescale for repair at present due to budget constraints."

This is rather concerning and exactly what I warned about at the council's budget meeting last month, where my alternative budget, had it been adopted, would have reduced the scale of cuts in roads and pavements maintenance.     

The scale of cuts in roads and pavements budgets are significant and will bite over the next year.

I will continue to campaign for proper reinstatement of the pavement in this part of Ashbank Road.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

West End Community Council - seeking your views

West End Community Council is seeking your views!

You can download the Community Council's survey form here.

The Community Council would be grateful for your thoughts and also if you could give one suggestion about how the area could be improved in the short, medium and long term.

Please fill in the survey and simply hand it in to Blackness Library before the end of March - many thanks.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Monday, 14 March 2016

Police 999 and 101 call responses in Dundee

At tonight's meeting of the City Council's Policy and Resources Committee, I moved the following motion :

Committee notes, with concern, the decision by the Scottish Police Authority, to transfer all 999 and 101 call responses to three sites located in Bilston Glen, Motherwell and Govan, on or after 21st June 2016.
This will mean the loss of the 999 and 101 Dundee response centre, with the resultant loss of local knowledge in call handling, which committee views as a detrimental step.
Committee therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Chair of the Scottish Police Authority Board and to the Police Scotland Chief Constable expressing concern at this decision and asking for this to be reviewed to allow the call handling of 999 and 101 calls in the Tayside and North Fife areas to be handled by the response centre in Dundee into the future.

My motion was unanimously accepted by committee, subject to a minor amendment to refer to "seeking assurances" rather than "expressing concern" which I was agreeable to, in order to obtain all-party agreement.

Lochee Swim & Sport Centre - official reopening

Earlier today, I had the pleasure of attending the official reopening of the Lochee Swim & Sport Centre, following its recent major refurbishment.

The centre has been very well upgraded and is well worth a visit - more information about facilities and opening times are available here.

Here's a few photos from today's opening event :
The Lord Provost cuts the ribbon!
The historic pool has been rightly retained but the pool area given a freshen up
The new sauna
The fitness centre

Major Scottish Water works planned - City Road and Perth Road

Last week, I had discussions with Scottish Water's Regional Communities Team Manager about proposed major works planned for the summer in City Road and Perth Road.    It is planned to start the Perth Road works in July (when university students and the schools are on holiday) with the City Road works starting as soon as Perth Road completes.

As these works will have a significant impact - for example, resulting in one-way traffic in the area of the Perth Road shopping area for 6 weeks - I am pleased that Scottish Water is advising of these at an early stage to allow full consultation with community groups such as West End Community Council (in relation to Perth Road), Community Spirit Action Group (in relation to City Road) and the Perth Road business community.

Scottish Water is keen to meet with community groups and we have agreed that I will arrange a meeting for the Perth Road business community next month so that the issues can be fully discussed.

At this stage, Scottish Water has given me the following initial information :

Scottish Water investment in Dundee Water infrastructure

Scottish Water is investing £5m in upgrading Dundee’s water infrastructure. This work is vital to support redevelopment and growth in the city – whenever new buildings are going up, such as on Dundee’s waterfront for example, we need to make sure the pipes in the ground are upgraded to support that development. We also invest to ensure our customers continue to receive the highest quality drinking water possible.

Why are we doing this work?

Water mains can vary in age and that’s why the upgrading, and in some cases replacement, of these essential supply pipes is vital to ensure we achieve maximum water quality and security of supply for our customers.

By further investing in our network of almost 30,000 miles of pipes around Scotland, we can build on the progress made in recent years to provide all our customers with the very best drinking water.

What does the work entail?

Pipe refurbishment work includes replacement, re-lining the internal structure of the mains or cleaning them by swabbing and flushing. This improves the water quality from the existing water mains pipes by cleaning any deposits that have built up over time.

How can the public find out more about the work? 

In advance of the work beginning, Scottish Water will be holding information events to give customers, businesses and road users the chance to meet the project team, view drawings of our planned work and discuss any queries they might have.

Whenever Scottish Water is doing work in an area we will always ensure that any disruption to customers water supply and daily lives is kept to a minimum.

Scottish Water works with local businesses to ensure access to their premises is maintained. We use signage to make sure everyone is aware that those premises are open for business as usual and no one should be put off visiting Dundee city centre. We believe our customers understand the need for this £5m investment and welcome the benefits this will bring to Dundee now and in the future.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward



West Marketgait (Nethergate to Westport roundabout) – northbound nearside lane closure from Thursday 10 to Monday 14 March for BT duct repair works.

Perth Road (at Roseangle) – temporary traffic lights on Saturday 19 March for BT duct repair.

Perth Road (at Millers Wynd) – temporary traffic lights from Monday 14 March for 3 days for BT network upgrade.

Forthcoming Closures

Glenagnes Street (Ashbank Road for 100m westwards) – closed from Monday 21 March for 5 days for demolition works.

Tay Square – closed from Monday 21 March for 5 days for BT duct laying.

You can ready the weekly road report for the whole of the city here.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Success for Dundee Access Group - and the West End!

Rev Erik Cramb of the group welcoming everyone
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being part of a celebration at the Pacamara coffee shop and restaurant in Perth Road to record and celebrate the success of the Dundee Access Group in handing over the first portable ramp as part of the "Hannah's Highway" project - aimed at improving accessibility to local streets, shops and cafés locally for all with mobility difficulties.

"Hannah's Highway" - named after local resident Hannah Craig - has now managed to purchase an initial three ramps and the first was handed across yesterday morning at the Pacamara - the other two will go to other businesses in Perth Road with hopefully more to follow.

We had a wee celebration at the Pacamara to recognise this achievement and here's a photo below of the official launch!    Well done to the Dundee Access Group for a real achievement in their extensive researching of ramps to get the most appropriate ones, fundraising for them and achieving a real improvement for all with mobility difficulties to use local facilities.

There was a good report on this on STV news last night that you can view here.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Harris Academy - Development of Evening Classes - an update

Last night, I attended a further very positive meeting at Blackness Library to progress the development of evening classes once the school returns to the Perth Road site to what will be fabulous state of the art facilities in its new building later this year.

We are making good progress to achieve quality evening classes and community learning at Harris Academy and if you are interested in finding out more, please e-mail me at and I will pass on your note of interest to our Communities Officer.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Wednesday meetings ...

A very busy day yesterday with numerous meetings, including :

* Attending two tenants' meetings organised by Home Scotland at Blackness Court and Sinderins Court for the residents there and at Pennycook Court,   The meetings were to review the revised warden/support arrangements that were introduced last year and get tenants' feedback.    The meetings were a good opportunity for all the tenants who attended to raise any issues or concerns, not just about support issues but also on other matters, such as repairs.

* A meeting with two senior Police Scotland officers to discuss the proposed loss of the 999 and 101 calls Dundee response centre, with the resultant loss of local knowledge in call handling, which I view as a detrimental step.    We had a useful exchange of views and information on the matter and I will be raising the issue at the council's Policy & Resources Committee next Monday.

* A meeting of the Harris Academy Parent Council, which took place at Menzieshill High School.   This was followed by a joint meeting with the Menzieshill High School Parent Council - an excellent initiative, given that that the two school communities come together later this year.     It was a very positive meeting and planning for the future is well in hand and very reassuring.

* The formal opening of the High Mill at Verdant Works took place.  It was a very well-attended event and the restoration of the High Mill is simply superb - I would thoroughly recommend a visit.    Sir Neil Cossons, the eminent historian and leading authority on the industrial heritage, performed the official opening.    I had the opportunity to speak with Sir Neil, who is very pleasant and interesting.     A few photos from the opening of the High Mill :
Large turnout for the High Mill formal opening
Part of the High Mill restoration
Sir Neil Cossons performs the official opening
The beautifully restored Boulton and Watt steam engine

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Glenagnes Street council lock-ups demolition - an update

Some weeks ago, I updated residents about the proposed demolition of the now-empty Glenagnes Street lock-ups - scheduled at that point for towards the end of January.

This has been delayed due to the demolition contractor running behind with other projects across Dundee and I asked the City Council for an update on the position.   

An officer in the Housing Quality and Performance Unit has now advised :

"Unfortunately we have not had the response from the demolition contractor that I would have liked regarding the programme for demolition of lock up garages.   Whilst they are doing an excellent job on site they have not matched on timescale expectations.

However they now seem to be back one-track to complete the contract which covers various locations across the city.

With regard to Glenagnes (Street lock-ups) it has now been determined that a temporary road closure is required to allow both their operators to work safety and for the community, who may normally access this route, to be safe whilst operations are on site. 

The process for a temporary road closure has commenced and it is expected that the contractor will be able to start week commencing 21 March 2016."

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

West End Community Council Update

I have today launched my March 2016 Update to West End Community Council.    

Subjects covered include:

• Perth Road crossing concern   
• Riverside composting operation
• Riverside Approach - fencing and potholes repairs   

The Community Council meets tonight at Logie St John's (Cross) Church Hall at 7pm - all residents welcome.      

You can download my Update here.

Monday, 7 March 2016

Busy Monday ...

It has been a busy Monday - including :

+ A meeting of the Tay Road Bridge Board.    In addition to the usual business about board administration and finances, there was an update on the proposed 50th anniversary celebrations that will take place on Sunday 21st August.   Events will take place on the bridge and in the new Slessor Gardens and there will be a photography competition, vintage buses and other vehicles taking part, a pipe band, a memorabilia roadshow and public art on display.

+ A meeting of the Rail Station Concourse Project Board.   It was good to hear the progress with the construction which is well on programme.

+ Two ward surgeries - at the Mitchell Street Centre and the West Park Centre.

+ A meeting of the Discovery Walk Committee.   The Discovery Walk will comprise of plaques set into the paved area of the green space at the heart of the waterfront development - to celebrate the contributions of Dundee people who have contributed to science and society in a highly visible and permanent way.    The walk will be officially opened on 6th April and tonight's meeting discussed the details of the opening, which will be a great day for Dundee.

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward



West Marketgait (Nethergate to Westport roundabout) – northbound nearside lane closure from Thursday 10 to Monday 14 March for BT duct repair works.

Forthcoming Closures

Perth Road (at Roseangle) – temporary traffic lights on Saturday 19 March for BT duct repair.

Glenagnes Street (Ashbank Road for 100m westwards) – closed from Monday 21 March for 5 days for demolition works.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Riverside Approach - fencing and potholes repairs

Residents have contacted me about damaged fencing on Riverside Approach - see right.   This is the boundary fencing to land owned by Network Rail and I have contacted Network Rail seeking repairs.

I also, on behalf of residents, contacted the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership about the poor road condition and have received the following response :

"You may already have noticed in passing that these potholes on Riverside Approach were repaired shortly after your email. The Road Maintenance Partnership inspector has also noted one or two more within the last couple of days and an order will be raised for these to be repaired with a timescale of twenty eight days or sooner."