From Scottish Hydro Electric (SHE) Transmission :
Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Dundee City Council
City Chambers
Dundee City Transmission Cable Replacement
I am writing to advise you of engineering works that Scottish Hydro Electric (SHE) Transmission are required to undertake to replace a high voltage underground cable. I have included a map which highlights the route of the cable that will be replaced.
The existing cable was installed in 1965 and has been essential in supplying power to local residents and businesses. SHE Transmission engineers have maintained the 51 year old 132kV circuit however a decision has been made to invest £3m and construct a modern equivalent.
The engineering works will require five excavations within the public realm: each excavation will be in the region of 11m x 4m but will require a working area of 20m x 5m for equipment and staff to work safely. Two new cables, each over 1 mile long, will be threaded between the open excavations in sections then joined together. The cables will be threaded through existing conduits to avoid large lengths of public highway or pavements.
The highly technical and challenging project will commence on 4 April 2016 and is programmed to take seven months to be completed.
Traffic management systems and diversion of footpaths will be required to protect the public and also our workforce. A brief summary of the requirements as follows:
A923 Lochee Road, JB 1/2 – An excavation will be located mostly in the public footpath. A traffic management system will see the A923 road slimmed down in two locations to accommodate a diverted footpath. The road will remain open to traffic which will be able to pass with care. The works are programmed to be undertaken between 25 April and 1 September 2016 and to take 20 weeks to complete.
A923 Lochee Road, JB 2/3 – The excavation is located in the road and will impact traffic turning left into Polepark Road from the City Centre, a traffic management system will see the sequencing of traffic lights staggered to accommodate single direction traffic. The works are programmed to be undertaken between 18 April and 8 September 2016 and to take 23 weeks to complete.
Fleuchar Street, JB 3/4 – A road closure will be required as the excavation will take up a large section of the narrow public road. The diversion around the excavation is 0.3 miles and would take approximately 1 minute by car. Local access for residents, pedestrians, cyclists etc will be maintained whilst the excavation is open. The road closure and associated works will be in operation from 11 April to 12 September 2016 and will last for 26 weeks.
Scott Street, JB 4/5 – The road is wide enough that traffic will be able to pass the works with care. A Traffic Management System will be used to protect the public and workforce during the works. The works are programmed to be undertaken between 4 April and 14 September 2016 and will take 26 weeks to complete.
Logie Avenue, Transmission Joint Bay – The final excavation will be mainly located on the grass area of the avenue, only minimal traffic management will be required. Unfortunately an Elm tree has established a root system around the existing cable and also the next cable it links to. We are concerned that our works will affect the root system and affect the tree’s stability in the future. The works are programmed to be undertaken between 4 April and 16 September 2016 and will take 26 weeks to complete.
Following the review of options and discussions with Dundee City Council, we are proposing to remove the tree to avoid it falling unexpectedly in the future as a result of our works.
SHE Transmission will be engaging the specialist services of Balfour Beatty Utility Services (BBUS) and Nexans to undertake the project. BBUS and Nexans are regarded as industry leaders in this filed of work and have recently completed two similar projects in Aberdeen, on behalf of SHE Transmission, to a high standard.
The works are being performed through our Permitted Development rights for underground electricity cables and are programmed to be undertaken between 0730 – 1900, Monday to Friday and 0730 – 1300 on Saturdays. We do not anticipate the need to operate on Sundays unless an emergency situation arises. Where works are in a residential zone, Fleuchar Street as an example, we will aim to begin the working day from 0800.
I will be preparing a letter to be delivered to residents in the vicinity of the works and also arranging the placement of a public notice in the Dundee Courier to advise residents of the pending engineering works. I will make a point of contacting St Joseph’s Primary School and the Scottish Fire Brigade Station on Blackness Road given the potential effect to associated vehicle movements.