Monday, 18 January 2016

Glenagnes Street council lock-ups demolition

Over the past couple of years, the City Council has consulted over the future of the Glenagnes Street council lock-ups (the ones at the east end of the street - see right).   These have been approximately 50% unoccupied over a long period.   

Given the lack of demand and after an attempt to advertise the empty lock-ups for rent, the Housing Committee took the decision to demolish them (after attempting to find alternative lock-up provision for the sitting lock-up tenants).

The Neighbourhood Services Department (formerly Housing) has now written to all adjacent residents in the area as follows :

"Contractors are proposing to commence demolition of the lock-up garages at 1-33 Glenagnes Street, Dundee week commencing Monday 25th January 2016, or as soon as possible thereafter, weather permitting. 

It is anticipated that these works will be complete within 3 weeks, again weather permitting.

A new 1.8m high fence will be provided along the current line of the rear wall of the lock-up garages as soon as possible thereafter. 

The yellow lines on the south side (only) of Glenagnes Street that are currently in front of the lock-up garages, up to the kerb, will be removed and the site of the lock-up garages will be made suitable for off-street parking. 

You can be assured that every effort will be made to keep any inconvenience, if experienced, to a minimum, but this part of Glenagnes Street may be obstructed at times by machinery. Additionally, a small portion of the rear gardens to 219-251 Blackness Road adjacent to the garages will be occupied by temporary security fencing during the works. 

If you have any enquiries whilst this work is on site please call 434412."