The meeting took place at the Morven Terrace sheltered housing lounge and the guest speakers were from the council's Environment Department, who discussed the changes to bin and recycling collections for the area that commence next Monday, 9th November.
A number of concerns were raised by residents, mainly around areas where there will be communal bin/recycling collections, and reassurances were given in particular to residents who require an assisted collection that these will continue.
I was given an assurance that where there are any problems with the new arrangements once they start next week, the department is willing to review and improve them, so I would ask residents to let the Environment Department (434300) know of any problems or contact me on 459378.
I also updated residents about the issues around the recent Xplore Dundee bus service changes and the new Stagecoach Strathtay 26 bus service serving the area - this new service starts on Monday (9th November).
Later yesterday evening, I attended the latest Friends of Magdalen Green committee meeting. There was positive news that the solar lighting project to improve lighting on the Green is making good progress, with a target to have the lanterns in place by December/January.
The Friends' Soup and Pudding Lunch takes place during West End Christmas Fortnight on Saturday 28th November at Dundee West Church (11.30am to 1.30pm) - more details to follow!