Over a long period, I have highlighted to the City Council residents' complaints about wheelie bins sitting permanently on the pavement, which not only causes difficulty for pedestrians particularly those using wheelchairs, motorised scooters or with prams, but has potentially serious safety issues as we saw in 2010 in Peddie Street.
With the roll-out of new bin and recycling arrangements now taking place in a large part of the West End, I asked the City Council's Environment Department if this will tackle the wheelie bins on the pavements problem in part of the tenement section of Blackness Road.
I have now been updated as follows and would welcome feedback from any resident about what is proposed :
"The proposed service provision for the Blackness Road properties (tenements) in phase 1 is as follows:
226 - 248 (even). Reconfiguration of wheeled bins within each recess area. Wheeled bins for refuse, DMR (paper, card, plastics, metals) and glass to be provided. Bins will be shared by all residents and collected, emptied and returned by the refuse collectors.
250 - 274 (even), 219 - 295 (odd). Properties to be served by communal, on-street eurobins to be situated on the carriageway. Eurobins to be provided for the collection of refuse, DMR (paper, card, plastics, metals) and glass. All existing wheeled bins for refuse, paper/card and green boxes will be uplifted and removed from service.
In terms of the food waste provision, all of the above properties will be served by on-street wheeled bins, each to be stored within a bespoke housing unit. The units will be located either on the carriageway or footway, appropriate to the location and width of footway."
As I indicated last night, getting the wheelie bins off the pavement will be welcomed, although the need for eurobins west of Ashbank Road on the north side of Blackness Road should be reconsidered, as there is no wheelie bins on pavement issue there.
As I indicated last night, getting the wheelie bins off the pavement will be welcomed, although the need for eurobins west of Ashbank Road on the north side of Blackness Road should be reconsidered, as there is no wheelie bins on pavement issue there.