After my two Monday ward surgeries at the West Park Centre and the Mitchell Street Centre, I took part in tonight's City Council committee meetings at which:
* At Environment Committee, I welcomed a report on the planned improvements to the 11 a-side football pitches on the south side of Riverside Drive (see right) to finally fully resolve the stones problem. This is an issue that I and the West End Community and Sports Hub (WECSH) have been campaigning for, for some considerable time, and I am grateful to Environment Department Officers for all they have done to progress this and find capital funding for the solution. On another matter, I asked a question about progress with the contaminated land strategy works that are on-going in relation to the former Upper Seafield Works area.
* At Housing Committee, I spoke in a debate on a report about the council's Sheltered Housing Review. There are some sensible recommendations arising out of this - for example, a sheltered warden relief pool and the proposed appointment of an activities co-ordinator and the development of a bank of volunteers to help further build the social activities offered at sheltered lounges across the city. I made the point that elderly non-sheltered residents should also be given the opportunity to participate in sheltered housing social activities.