Thursday, 1 May 2014

Council needs to tackle poor-conditioned Perth Road pavement

Residents have complained to me that the pavement on the north side of Perth Road between Hyndford Street and Rockfield Street is in poor shape.    It is slabbed, but badly cracked in places, with trip hazards - see below:
I took up residents' concerns with the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership who responded as follows:

"This footway has been checked by the Road Maintenance Partnership inspector. He has indicated that many of the slabs are cracked and it is unsightly but there are currently no actionable defects. He is not proposing any action at present but will continue to monitor its condition during routine inspections and repair any defects which do become actionable.

In reply to your question relating to whether or not this section of footway is likely to be resurfaced in the future, there are currently approximately 170 adopted footways which are ranked as being in worse condition than this section of footway and as such it is not currently in the three year programme, 2014-17."

I have now arranged to meet the local inspector on-site to discuss the situation - along with a local resident - as leaving the pavement in its current poor condition is not, in my view, a satisfactory approach.