With the clocks change earlier today, it is an opportune moment to highlight Scottish Water's "Be prepared for winter" campaign:
Follow Scottish Water’s winter code and be prepared for winter!
Scottish Water has launched its winter campaign to encourage customers in communities across Scotland to follow their winter code - protect your pipes, be prepared and heat, insulate and protect your home.
We are also urging holiday homeowners, businesses, agents and landlords to take steps to heat, insulate and protect properties and any vacant commercial let properties.
Sean Batty from STV weather (pictured above) supports the launch of our winter 2013 campaign for the fifth year running.
Visit www.scottishwater.co.uk/winter where you can find winter information, films and advice. If you would like hard copies of our leaflet and poster, please feel free to email customermarketing@scottishwater.co.uk details of your request.
Further information can be found online about your pipework responsibilities, visit www.scottishwater.co.uk/responsibility.
Follow us on @scottish_water and www.facebook.com/scottishwater.
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and happy winter season.
Scottish Water Team