Also yesterday, I had a very useful meeting with Mark Munsie, Director of the Dundee Heritage Trust, regarding the High Mill Open Gallery Project. Having visited the High Mill last year and seen the deteriorated state of the mill (apart from the renovated Verdant Works), it was great to be updated on the success thus far of the Trust's fundraising to have the High Mill fully restored and opened as a tourist attraction to complement the existing excellent Verdant Works museum.
The High Mill will be given a complete refurbishment which, while retaining all of its historic features will also see it turned into a gallery space. Original machinery from the mill will be renovated and become features in the space, while other mill machinery owned by Dundee Heritage Trust will be brought back into public view. In addition, a large steam engine, which is owned by Dundee City Council and is currently in pieces, will be reconditioned as one of the major exhibits in the gallery.
The project will cost over £2.2 million and the Heritage Lottery Fund has allocated £1.48 million to the project. With Historic Scotland having allocated £500,000 towards emergency repairs, and other funding, the project's funding is almost fully in place.
This is a highly exciting project that should see the High Mill Open gallery open to the public in 2015.