Monday, 1 July 2013

"Tree of Liberty" design competition winners chosen

Back in May, I had the pleasure of helping to choose the shortlist for the "Tree of Liberty" competition from projects submitted by teams of third year environmental design students at the University of Dundee's Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art.

From the shortlist, the winners have now been chosen and the prizes went to the following students:

Runners up - Craig Gilroy and Eilish Victoria for 'Red Ribbon Garden'  (back right and front below)

Winners - Nicole Tennant and Min Hee for 'Infinite Freedom' (back middle and back left below)
The winning design is now being drawn up professionally by the architect responsible for the new Duncan of Jordanstone entrance.  The winning design will include reflective panels and a quotation from the Robert Burns poem, "The Tree of Liberty."

Here's the two sets of designs:

Runners up - 'Red Ribbon Garden' :
Winners - 'Infinite Freedom' :

It will be great to see the winning design shortly create a  fantastic public space just off Perth Road that will be an asset not just to the university campus but to the wider community.