"Dundee Central Waterfront Development : P13162 Rail Station Lay-by Extension Phase 2
I wish to notify you of works we are currently preparing to carry out to extend the Rail Station lay-by, in the vicinity of your business, to provide a rail replacement bus lay-by.
Following on from the recent lay-by works it has become necessary to provide a lay-by specifically for the rail replacement buses, which when necessary, have been found to cause congestion within the existing lay-by and on Riverside Drive.
I can confirm that the footway shall be closed west of your access and that a lane closure will also be necessary on Riverside Drive to allow the lay-by to be constructed. Access to your property shall be maintained at all times during business hours with any footway works directly outside your property being undertaken when closed.
I will ensure the Contractor keeps you updated with the footway works at your access as they progress.
The current programme for these works is to start on Tuesday 30 July 2013 for 10 weeks."