Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Zoology Museum and WestFest

From Matthew Jarron, Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

D'Arcy Thompson
As part of Dundee's WestFest, I'll be giving a talk about D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, his work in Dundee and his extraordinary influence around the world, on Friday 14th June at 1pm in the old lecture theatre, Carnelley Building at the University.    Admission is free and all are welcome. Enter by the modern link entrance on the west side of the building.

Also for WestFest, on Wednesday 12th June at 2.30pm, I'll be leading a guided walk round the houses and studios of notable Dundee artists from the 19th century onwards. Tickets cost £3 (proceeds go to support WestFest) and must be booked in advance from the festival organisers (call 07581 383615).