Later yesterday, after my Monday ward surgeries at Harris Academy and the Mitchell Street Centre, I took part in City Council committees where there was an extensive discussion about proposed changes to Housing Benefit. As well as participating in that debate, at Policy and Resources Committee, I praised the work of Dundee Youth Council in putting together their manifesto arising out of their recent consultation process with the city's young people. I suggested that the council's Chief Executive consider arranging an annual meeting of all councillors with the Youth Council to discuss issues affecting young people in Dundee.
Also yesterday, I spoke on Radio Tay and Wave 102 News about the unfortunate graffiti vandalism in Victoria Park and the adjacent area that took place at the weekend. You can hear my interview on Wave 102 News here:
Having long campaigned for improvements for the road surface of Riverside Drive, it was good to hear that, although the road resurfacing schedule for 2013/14 has yet to be finalised, Riverside Drive is being given serious consideration for inclusion in the programme.