Dundee Independent Advocacy Support (DIAS) is providing a new service for older people in Dundee that was launched in August of this year, through funding we received from the Scottish Government’s ‘Reshaping Care for Older People – Change Fund’. This provision is a telephone information line called DIAL-OP (Dundee Information and Advocacy Line for Older People).
The information line – which is supported by local volunteers – is a fantastic resource for older people, and carers of older people in Dundee, the main strategy being to help signpost callers to agencies and organisations that can help provide them with more detailed and accurate information in relation to their enquiry or concern. It also aims to be a practical point of contact for vulnerable and/or isolated older people who may not have anyone to talk to about their concerns, or perhaps a caller may be apprehensive about discussing certain issues with family and relatives. In a nut shell; if it matters to the caller, it matters to DIAS.
• DIAS has ten friendly, local volunteers, who are keen to support callers to the service by providing ‘a listening ear’. All callers are accepted without prejudice and encouraged to talk and explore their options.
• Dial-op aims to provide a local service which aims to provide callers with information to improve social inclusion, independence and well-being.
• Callers remain responsible for their own lives and do not lose the right to make their own decisions. The purpose of this information line is to provide older people with easy access to information on services available to them in Dundee, in turn enabling and empowering choice and control.
The service is provided Monday to Friday from 10am-1pm on 305757 and out with those hours DIAS has an answering service which is checked daily as well as an e-mail address - Dial-op@diasdundee.org.
DIAS has worked closely with Celebrate Age Network and the Re-Shaping Care Team to help devise this service and have valued their support throughout, and continue to do so.