Yesterday, I took part in a site visit with the Head of Transportation and a Senior City Council Engineer at the junction of Balgay Road/Blackness Road/Blackness Avenue - see right. Last year, I welcomed proposed road safety improvements at this junction as constituents have mentioned what a difficult junction this is - very busy and many vehicles making right turns.
Lining to the west on Blackness Road has been altered to improve vehicle movements coming towards the junction and council officers assured me that its effectiveness will be monitored in the coming months.
I also had the pleasure of a walk round the improvements underway at Blackness Primary School that include new window blinds, new lighting, staffroom refurbishment, new junkers timer sports floor in the gym - see right, wood treatment, windows improvements and improvements to the entrance and main stairwell. I had previously queried the cost of new cleaners' cupboards and this was reviewed and reduced in cost I was pleased to note.
Also yesterday, I attended a presentation by the Managing Director of Tayside Contracts that was well-attended by councillors and senior council officers. The presentation was extremely interesting and emphasised the importance of shared service provision at a time of real financial challenge for the public sector.