Monday, 13 February 2012

Monday update

Today :

+ I attended the latest meeting of the Balgay Stakeholders Group, at which we discussed various issues affecting Balgay Park and Hill and Victoria Park.    I recently raised residents' concerns about the state of the roadway near to Mills Observatory (mud and potholes) and assurances were given about resolving this.   The Conservation Volunteering Day in January was a great success and the next one takes place on Sunday 1st April.

+ I met with Mark Welsh, who will soon become Branch Manager of the new HSBC bank branch in Murraygate.   The new £1.8 million HSBC Dundee Branch is a great investment in the city, coming at a time when other banks are contracting their branch network.   It was good to hear about HSBC's plans for this new facility in Dundee - the branch opens on 19th March.

+ I held two ward surgeries - at Harris Academy and the Mitchell Street Centre.

+ I participated in tonight's City Council committees at which :
- At the Housing Committee, I queried progress on the Common Housing Register (to allow Dundee people easier application for housing from multiple housing providers, including housing associations and the City Council).
- At the Environment Committee, I asked about ensuring that new electric car charging facilities are provided for Dundee citizens.
- At the Policy and Resources Committee, I asked about the extent of public access to the City Council's website (arising out of the Annual Consumer Survey undertaken on behalf of the City Council), opposed yet more councillor attendance at conferences by the SNP administration at council tax payers' expense and welcomed progress on the council's commitment to Fairtrade.