Monday, 27 February 2012

City Council meetings

This evening, after my weekly ward surgeries at the Mitchell Street Centre and Harris Academy, I attended City Council committee meetings.

At the Education Committee, I supported an amendment to re-establish a working group on parking and pupil safety at schools across the city.     The issue was brought up by one of the Ferry Ward members in relation to Forthill Primary School and the amendment rightly widened the issue to ensure all parking concerns outside city schools are addressed.   

I sought and obtained assurances, however, that the issues at Forthill Primary School would be addressed in early course.     There have been improvements in the situation at West End schools, although, as I pointed out to committee, I do still receive concerns from West End constituents about the issue.   

Although there was a division on the matter tonight (the amendment winning easily with SNP, Labour and Liberal Democrat support as well as one of the three Conservatives, both Independents and a teacher representative on the committee) we all agreed that the safety of children is paramount and I have no doubt that the working group will be a positive way of addressing parking and pupil safety concerns at the city's schools.

At City Development Committee, I praised the work of the Street Lighting Partnership (its record in terms of street lighting repairs is second to none across Scotland) and asked a question about improving pothole repairs on Dundee roads.    I also asked how quickly improvements to waiting restrictions agreed tonight will be implemented.

At Policy and Resources Committee, I requested that there be proper justification of any regradings for council chief officers in terms of increased responsibilities, before these are agreed.   I make no apologies for saying that I was disappointed by the lack of detail in the content of the two reports on this matter that came before committee tonight.