The proposal for speed reduction will be considered by the Council’s City Development Committee next Monday and, if agreed, would mean the inconsistency of the east entrance to Dundee (Ethiebeaton Retail Park to Claypotts) being a 40 mph speed limit but Riverside being 50 mph would be ended, with both entrances having a safer 40 mph limit.
There is much merit in having a safer speed limit on this part of Riverside Drive and Riverside Avenue – not least that it will allow for the possible future construction of pedestrian crossings at appropriate points – for example at the playing fields on Riverside Drive and at the Riverside Nature Park on Riverside Avenue. A 40 mph limit makes such pedestrians crossings possible.
I would also point to residents’ concerns following a number of car accidents on the stretch of road over the years – the most recent being the tragic death of a local man crossing Riverside Drive in February of this year.
Even with committee approval, there will have to be discussion with Perth and Kinross Council as a short part of Riverside Avenue after the turn-off to Invergowrie is in Perth and Kinross Council’s area.
I was interviewed on Radio Tay News about this issue today - click 'play' to listen: