Monday 18 April 2011


This morning, along with one of my ward councillor colleagues, I attended a walkabout around the Pentland area with officers from various council departments to look at issues that require action in the area.     A number of issues were noted - eg damaged fencing, bin collections and recycling.

Another issue raised was the road condition of streets in Pentland (see photo of Loganlee Terrace's roadway - right) and it was good to get feedback later today from the City Engineer as follows :  "Loganlee Terrace, Colinton Place and Pentland Crescent are all to have the proprietary Nimpactocote thin surfacing system applied this year."

This afternoon, I attended the latest Project Board meeting for the West End schools building project for St Joseph's Primary School, Park Place Nursery School and Park Place Primary School.    Thereafter, following my surgeries at the Mitchell Street Centre and Harris Academy, I attended the City Council's Development Management Committee this evening.