Dear Fraser,
I wanted to email to thank you for the incredible efforts you’ve made over the campaign so far. The thing that drives me forward every morning is the knowledge that thousands of Scottish Liberal Democrat members and supporters are working so hard to get our message across on doorsteps right across the country.
Everyone is already working very hard indeed. But I am asking everyone to join me in doing a bit extra over the final few days to return as many Liberal Democrat MSPs to Holyrood as possible. Think of what a Scottish Parliament would be like without a stronger team of MSPs motivated by our values, our ideals and priorities?
I know how tough this election has been for everyone. But we have to use the last few days to enthuse our supporters and encourage voters to back their hard-working local Liberal Democrat candidates. I know we would all like to spend a bit of time getting away from it all. We can, but not just yet!
We are the only party working to keep our public services local. Only the Scottish Liberal Democrats are resisting dangerous plans that could see 3,000 police officers lose their jobs, and £300 million wasted on centralising control of social care. It is in challenging times like this that a strong liberal voice is needed more than ever in the Scottish Parliament. If we are not around to fight for what we believe in, for what Scotland needs at this difficult time, who will?
Your work, your efforts can really make a big difference. Thank you again so much for your support.
Yours sincerely

Tavish Scott
Scottish Liberal Democrats