This follows the protest outside Tayside House on Friday when the pupils were told that they should make an appointment with the Director of Education after the Easter holidays.
The pupils should have the opportunity to put their case earlier than that to show the council is listening – with the Education Convener and opposition spokespersons as well as senior council officials being prepared to take part. It makes sense that this happens during the school holidays whilst pupils are available off school.
It was disappointing that when around 100 pupils came down to Tayside House on Friday, no-one from the Education Department was available to meet them. I am aware that the Director was about to go on leave on Friday, but in a large department it is surprising that no-one would come down to speak with them.
It is important that pupils’ concerns are listened to and I have therefore written to the department suggesting that during the school holidays representatives of the pupils are invited to discuss their concerns with the Head of Secondary Education in the Director’s absence, the Education Convener and opposition representatives. The council should be seen to listen.
I have found the Head of Secondary Education to be very approachable in discussing the various issues I have received from constituents about education – particularly the City Campus proposal. I have therefore suggested to him that arranging a meeting very soon with pupils would be good practice.
The Head of Secondary Education has responded to me saying that he will meet with the Education Convener today to discuss the matter but, in principle, he sees no problem with meeting pupil representatives. This is to be welcomed.