This afternoon, I had the pleasure of attending the Al-Maktoum Institute's Graduation Ceremony 2010 at the Marryat Hall. The Institute opened in Dundee the same year I was elected to the City Council (2001) and it is great to see its huge progress in the intervening years as a centre of excellence in the study of Islam.
The Institute's Principal and Vice Chancellor, Professor Malory Nye, in his speech today outlined progress towards the Institute's aim of achieving University College status by 2020 and looked at what a future Principal in 2060 might consider to be its academic and other achievements by the latter half of this century.
It is excellent to see the success of graduates who come from numerous countries across the world, but including the UK.
As previewed in tonight's Evening Telegraph, this evening I attended a very productive meeting at Tayside House where we discussed necessary steps to take forward a community sports and environmental improvements hub for the West End. With the support of sports groups and Friends of Magdalen Green, this has the makings of a dynamic group to move forward infrastructure improvements at Riverside for sport in the West End and carry out work on Magdalen Green, including repairs and repainting of the bandstand.