There was a presentation from the Dundee Travel Active group and a useful discussion of numerous local issues, including how parking could be improved in Pentland.
The group was updated on the recent correspondence I have had with the City Council's Housing Department over the issue of controlled entry provision. The problem up to now in many blocks of flats is that, as the department has sought 100% approval from owner occupiers before going ahead with controlled entry installation, it has taken only one uncooperative owner to stop the vast majority of owners and tenants who want controlled entry from getting a system.
I am greatly supportive of increasing the extent of controlled entry systems as they greatly improve safety and security for residents and I asked the City Council why it did not accept majority votes on this matter.
I am pleased to say the council has now had the legal position reviewed and I paste below an update from the Housing Department :
“… please also find attached the rules associated with the Tenement Management Scheme which details the legal approach we must use as a local authority when we adopt this route in 2011/12.
It is our intention to follow the voting procedure and advise all the relevant people involved of the outcome of the ballot, prior to instructing the work. Work will only proceed where we have a majority in play who indicated that they wish to proceed .
Please rest assured that we will formally approach each person in writing in order to secure their vote and provide details of the outcome of the ballot prior to undertaking any works.
It is our intention to roll this out in financial year 2011/12 and I will be drawing up the processes and procedures in the coming months in preparation for this using legal guidance provided.”
I understand the council is using legislation under the Tenement (Scotland) Act 2004 to pursue this course of action and it will mean a majority vote in future. This will be welcomed by many people who want controlled entry but have been denied it because all owners had to agree before it could be installed.