At the City Council last night, amongst others, I raised the following matters :
- I asked, in relation to a report on the Local Government Boundary Commission's report on the boundaries the City Council area, that the council made clear to the Commission that it wished to see the proper tackling of disparity in electorates per ward at the next full review of arrangements in 2015. The Chief Executive agreed to my request and this view of the City Council will be communicated to the Commission.
- I welcomed a report on Dundee's Games Legacy Plan 2009-19, and in particular highlighted the welcome developments towards a community sports hub at Riverside.
- Along with my Liberal Democrat colleague, Cllr Helen Dick, and other councillors, I queried expenditure of £9 400 on installation of an electronic display board. It is important that the City Council closely monitors any expenditure during such challenging financial times.
- I questioned the Director of Finance regarding the council's projected revenue budget shortfall for 2010/11, particularly given pressures on social work and education expenditure and the possible costs associated with winter maintenance to come later this year.
- I seconded an amendment by Depute Lord Provost Ian Borthwick that would have deferred a decision on changes to council Standing Orders. Unfortunately, the SNP administration pushed through these changes, despite almost half the council members having reservations about them, in terms of stifling debate and scrutiny.