Back in June, I advised residents of the latest information on the recycling of plastics. I have now received a further update from the City Council as follows :
Dear Fraser,
The review period for the acceptance of an expanded array of plastics is now up, and we will be moving forward with these on an ongoing basis.
A flyer specifying the new plastic types that we are able to now accept was hand delivered out to all green box residents over the summer. The details on all the plastic recycling bins at points and centres are waiting to be changed, as the new artwork had to be ordered to reflect this change. Residents are though welcome in the meantime to use all plastic recycling bins for the expanded array of plastics as follows:
Yes please:
- Plastic bottles and lids e.g. milk, fizzy juice, water, household cleaning products and shampoo bottles
- Yoghurt pots
- Food tubs
- Butter and margarine tubs
- Microwavable food trays
- Fruit punnets
- Meat trays
- Vegetable and salad trays
No thanks:
- Black plastic bags
- Food bags, wrapper and film
- PVC pipes and tubing
- Polystyrene
The green box flyer also stated that we can accept supermarket shopping bags. Since the review period of introducing this change our plastics re-processor has requested as few of these as possible. The best solution for recycling supermarket shopping bags will always be taking them back to their source, or reusing them.