I have now had the following further update from the City Engineer :
"The shrubs were reduced in height approx 2 years ago but have since grown again to cause a problem to pedestrians crossing the road. Reducing the height again will only solve the problem in the short term.
As the cost of traffic management etc is high for carrying out regular pruning of the shrubs on the roundabout, we are currently considering the possibility of removing the shrubs completely and replacing with a number of trees with a reasonably high canopy which would increase visibility for pedestrians whilst retaining a ''green'' element to the roundabout.
We would also propose to remove soil, place lotrak and bark. All of this would have an initial capital cost but would reduce and quickly payback the continual cyclic costs associated with the shrubs that are there presently.
If this solution is preferred, we will aim to implement it in the autumn; otherwise we will prune the existing shrubs."
If this solution is preferred, we will aim to implement it in the autumn; otherwise we will prune the existing shrubs."
Retaining a 'green' element to the roundabout but making it less 'maintenance intensive' makes a great deal of sense - but, one way or another, it will be good to see the roundabout's vegetation thinned out as this will make it easier for pedestrians to cross safely.