"I can advise that the current legislation for satellite dishes from 01/04/2007 is the following :
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2007 - Permitted development for antennas on other buildings in designated areas (conservation areas).
The amended legislation permits up to 2 satellite dishes (non-fronting) can be erected on a building. The siting restrictions in a conservation area are that the antenna is not permitted on a chimney, roof slope or wall where it faces onto a road and can be seen from the road it faces.
Although our Conservation Areas are covered by an Article 4 Direction which requires an application be submitted it is considered that in light of the above legislation this department would not request an application be submitted."
Although our Conservation Areas are covered by an Article 4 Direction which requires an application be submitted it is considered that in light of the above legislation this department would not request an application be submitted."