At the time the report was approved back in January, it was envisaged that with regard to possible proposals for residents' parking schemes that could put out to public consultation :
The preparation of the detailed design and consultation will take an extended period of up to three years and this will be resourced by secondment of one of the Senior Engineers from within the Transportation Division. This work will follow on from substantial completion of disabled person parking places implementation which is currently progressing and it is likely that detailed design will begin in late summer 2010.
Given that we are now fast approaching the time that detailed design was likely to commence, I asked the Director of City Development for an update and he has responded as follows :
"At present the priority for the Council is to progress with the implementation of the disabled parking legislation. It was highlighted to Committee that progress on residents parking would follow on from this as the Council is compelled by Scottish Government to undertake its implementation. At present we are currently working through this and the work has been more substantial than first anticipated.
Residents Parking will follow on from this and it is likely that it will be later on in the year before progress on the Resident Parking designs will progress."
I responded :
"Given that the report envisaged detailed design work progressing from the summer, it would be helpful if I was kept advised as progress on the disabled parking completion in order to gauge when work on residents’ parking design will actually start. Assuming it starts in the autumn or early winter, what is the revised likely timescale from there, in terms of formal consultation, implementation, etc?"
and was advised :
"Sorry but, at present, I am really unable to say when it would start and what the likely timescale would be."
Residents who have had long-term problems with parking near their homes in the affected parts of the West End will be disappointed at the delay with progress on this issue. I do not doubt that the City Council has had a significant task in relation to implementation of the revised disabled parking legislation, but I will be keeping a close eye on the residents' parking issue as I am anxious that the planned work to improve residents' parking takes place as soon as possible.