After spending much of the day in Glenrothes with the "day job", I attended the City Council's Scrutiny Committee late this afternoon, where there was constructive discussion about a number of inspection reports by the Care Commission and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education - on educational and social work facilities in Dundee - and on the city's adoption and fostering services.
Later, after my weekly surgery at Blackness Primary School, I had the pleasure of chairing a superbly well attended public meeting of Friends of Magdalen Green in Dundee West Church at which Iain Flett, Dundee City Archivist, spoke on the history of Magdalen Green and Gillian Molloy of the Friends of Dundee City Archives discussed the history of street names in the West End. Both were extremely interesting and we are most grateful to Gillian and Iain.
And - congratulations to Angela Mehlert, our new Friends of Magdalen Green Chair! I'm now the group's secretary.