* At the City Council meeting, councillors heard from Ali and Khalid El-Awaisi about Ali's harrowing experience on the Mavi Mamera at the hands of Israeli commandoes, when all Ali and his friends were trying to do was bring much-needed aid to the people of Gaza. In my speech to the City Council, I made clear my concern about Israel's breach of international law. The City Council unanimously adopted a motion adding its voice to condemnation of the violence and seeking support from the Scottish Parliament and other Scottish local authorities on this matter of world-wide concern.
* At Education Committee, I supported a report on a proposed response to Scottish Government's consultation on reducing class sizes, but pointed out the abject failure of the SNP government to live up to promises to reduce all primary school class sizes to 18 in P1-P3.
*At the Housing, Dundee Contract Services and Environmental Services Committee, I welcomed a proposal to improve the anti-graffiti effort by the council, particularly with respect to private property and highlighted anti-graffiti efforts we have undertaken in the West End.
* At Policy and Resources Committee, I spoke about the report on Professor Peter Wilson's update on progress on child protection in the city. I also asked for an update on shared assessments and was given a useful and detailed response by the Director of Social Work.