There's been good progress since the April site visit - the time length of the noise signal to advise pedestrians that it is safe to cross has been doubled in time length - this is a very welcome improvement. We also discussed possible safety barriers at Hawkhill, improving lights visibility for drivers on Perth Road heading west, and repairs to the tactile surface on the pavement on Perth Road, near to the junction with Shepherd's Loan.
After my two surgeries at the Mitchell Street Centre and Harris Academy late this afternoon (my last there until after the school summer holidays), I attended a marathon session of City Council meetings, including :
* All-party agreement on new scrutiny arrangements. A good example of cross-party co-operation that I would welcome more of on the council. I also welcomed the merging of three committees into one - something I moved for over a year ago, but was at that time outvoted on. It is important that the council streamlines its committee structure and today's agreement on merging efficiency, audit and scrutiny committees into one makes a great deal of sense.
* Education Committee - I expressed concern that the report on the Harris Academy - Review of Feasibility Study report delays the project start to around Autumn 2013. I sought assurances about front-ending the project to achieve an earlier start, and on Scottish Government's legal commitment to the project. I also sought assurances about consultation with parents and pupils and the establishment of a project board. At this committee, I also asked questions about the effect of the review of Grove House on providing proper office accommodation for city council staff.
* Leisure, Arts and Communities Committee - I welcomed a report about allotments strategy, deplored recent vandalism at allotments and asked a question about securing funding, particularly for security fencing.
* Housing, Environment and Contract Services Committee - I asked a question on recycling - particularly about plastics and aluminium recycling, something I (and many constituents) wish to see further promoted.
* Policy and Resources Committee - I asked a question about the robustness of projected capital receipts for council house sales, moved an amendment that would have given all parties representation on the Dundee Partnership Board, not just the SNP and Labour (I lost 15-11 but thank Conservative and Labour members and the Independent Depute Lord Provost for support), and was pleased to see a Labour amendment for a cross-party working group to promote jobs in Dundee getting all party support.