Tonight, after a busy surgery at Blackness Primary School, I attended the West End Local Community Planning Partnership meeting that was kindly hosted (at short notice) by Tayside Police at the Lochee Police Station. There was a very useful update from Social Work on protecting vulnerable adults and children and on social work caseloads in the West End post code areas.
Lastly for today - following a letter in Monday's Tele about an apparent mis-spelling in the quote from William McGonagall’s poem about the Tay Bridge rail disaster that is carved along the footway in Riverside Drive, the City Council advises me :
"In response to the letter about the word 'beatiful' in McGonagall's poem at Riverside, we would like to point out that the quote uses the poet's own unique spelling.
In the spirit of historical accuracy, and in a nod to his idiosyncrasies, it was decided his version of the word would be retained."