* I have, at the request of residents, raised street sweeping issues at Clovis Duveau Drive and Blackness Road and have received assurances from the Waste Management Department that these will be tackled.

* Following residents' complaints about graffiti at various locations, I have raised these with the City Council. The Waste Management Department assures me that mess like this in Marchfield Road (above) and graffiti in Scott Street will be cleaned off and I have also raised graffiti issues at Seafield Road. I have also been assured by the Leisure & Communities Department that the mess of graffiti on the west wall of the allotments at Magdalen Green will be attended to.
* The City Council has given me details of the updated footways priority list which envisages the following streets in the West End being brought up to adoptable standard in 2010/11 - Glamis Place, Glamis Terrace and Seymour Avenue. I have raised queries on behalf of residents about some other streets that I view as a priority given their poor condition. I am pleased to note that the upgrading of the footpath on the south side of Perth Road west of the former Lawrie's Nurseries is to commence in the near future.