Friday, 26 March 2010

Friday activities ...

I have been in a very wet Motherwell today with the "day job" but on return spoke with Clive Gillman, Director of Dundee Contemporary Arts, about a competition DCA recently ran that has raised my concerns and those of the other councillors who serve on the DCA Board. The matter is covered in tonight's Evening Telegraph, and I am pleased to say that Clive has assured me that such a competition will not be repeated in the future.

I had a letter in
yesterday's Tele following a resident raising her concerns about the condition of the ground on the east side of Glenagnes Road - and the fallen boundary fencing. I have now received feedback from the City Council's Enforcement Officer as follows :

"I have visited the above site and would advise I shall write out to the owner and advise he tidy the site and make it secure."

And, lastly for tonight, my Dundee LibDem colleague and community activist Allan Petrie has created the following excellent response to that misinformed Travelodge survey that suggested that Dundee was not a place to visit because of "bad weather" :