We had an excellent and productive meeting of the Dundee West Transition Town group at lunchtime today and are planning a public launch - full details to follow! I have agreed to speak about home insulation and energy efficiency measures at the launch meeting.
And ... another West End project taking shape is the proposed Riverside Nature Park. The project team are giving a presentation to West End Community Council this coming Tuesday. I have had the following update from the City Development Department on the project :
And ... another West End project taking shape is the proposed Riverside Nature Park. The project team are giving a presentation to West End Community Council this coming Tuesday. I have had the following update from the City Development Department on the project :
"The Nature Park project is programmed to achieve full VDLF spend by March 2011. Consultation with Special Interest Groups and the Community over the last six months has helped inform the design of the project, including the network of paths and biodiversity development. This has also enabled us to develop preliminary costings. We are currently working to finalise the design by the end of this month and the meeting with the West End Community Council next week is an important part of this. We are also considering future maintenance and management arrangements. As explained previously, we are working with SEPA to address technical issues to enable public access to the site.
Further, in addition to support from the local Community, we are trying to establish a 'Champion' for the project, i.e. a group of local residents, who may be able to attract more funding to maximise the impact of the VDLF funding."
Further, in addition to support from the local Community, we are trying to establish a 'Champion' for the project, i.e. a group of local residents, who may be able to attract more funding to maximise the impact of the VDLF funding."