Today's Evening Telegraph covers the issue of begging in Perth Road and Nethergate and my discussions with Tayside Police about the issue. As the article points out, tonight's police community surgery at Blackness Library (5.30pm to 7pm) will be an opportunity for residents to air their views. Tonight's West End Community Council also takes place immediately afterwards (7pm) at the nearby Logie and St John's (Cross) Church Hall.
Good news on unadopted footways! Following residents' requests to add Hillside Place to the list, I have been advised by the City Engineer as follows :
"Hillside Place has now been assessed and scored in accordance with the Unadopted Footways Scheme Criteria and has attracted 18 points, ie the same as Hillside Terrace. The list is currently under review so I am unable at this time to advise of these footways final position. I can confirm that the footways of Hillside Tce and Hillside Place would be done at the same time."
He has also confirmed to me that the review of the list to enable priorities for upgrading for 2010/11 to be determined will be complete by the end of February.