"Just the Job" - a course aimed at local people looking for work but English is their second language started this morning at the Mitchell Street Centre. It aims to help participants improve their application filling, CVs and interview skills and will run every Tuesday morning until 9th March. Further information is available from Kim Robertson on 435872 or Colin Christie on 436414.
Corner of City Road and Scott Street - Home Scotland has arranged a litter pick and tidy up of the area follwing my raising residents' concerns about the untidy state of the site and the amount of fly-tipping. I have also raised with the City Council concerns about the state of the fencing further up City Road at the allotments. Some of the fencing is loose and springing out over the pavement.
Pentland - bathroom and kitchen improvements - Following my raising questions from tenants in Saggar Street about when their kitchens and bathroom will be upgraded (many still have the originals, from when the estate was built), I have had the following response from the Housing Department :
"This address is part of the City Road 1st-4th Developments which are programmed for Heating replacement and new Kitchens and Bathrooms in 2010/11 Financial year.
We will be in touch with tenants in due course with more details."